Flying Dragon's Funeral, Soldier's Decapitation

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This will be the first chapter this month.

Finally... don't miss it.

The Shogun is on the rampage again.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Day 19 Month 11 Year 380 World Calendar

Elmeris Kingdom border, Faldos Village

This was a small village with a population of only 500, located just a little east of the center of Australia, just over the border. The Barbarassa Empire's army was raiding there to requisition supplies.


"General! There is not a single person in the village!!"

"Almost all the supplies have been taken away!! Not a single ear of wheat is left for food!!"

Land General Gernia raised his eyebrow at the soldiers' report.

"What is going on? Where have all the livestock gone, not to mention the nearly five hundred villagers?"

All of this was the work of the Japanese. They have brought large livestock trucks and buses from the mainland to evacuate not only the villagers, but most of the livestock and supplies as well. And the Japanese interference did not stop there.

"Report!! Some of our men who went out to search were caught in scissors traps and suffered injuries!!"

"Three of our men were shot by arrows flying from a rope trap!! They are incapacitated!!"

"In the south, a soldier was killed after he fell into a pit dug by a house and impaled by a wooden spear!! Two are seriously injured!!"

The Japanese mobilized all the resources of the Ground Self-Defense Force's engineering unit, and with the input of hunters who killed the animals, set traps in various parts of the village. As a result, they placed bamboo spears in pitfalls, traps were equipped with tiger scissors, installed bowgun traps, and other traps were even set to drop trays (with concrete stuffed on them to kill enemy soldiers from above).

In fact, they say, the latter was not just a trap. They say that the product used in Showa-era gags will produce an effect when it hit.

"You cur... burn it!! Burn the village to the ground!!"

Infuriated by the situation, in which more than a few dozen soldiers were incapacitated by various damages just to search the village, Gernia decided to burn the village down completely. In addition to fire arrows, the wyverns' flamethrowers and fireballs set the wooden houses of the village ablaze one after another.

Such a situation was also in full view from the sky. The RQ-1 of the Air Self-Defense Force was slowly circling above, filming the Barbarassan army's rampage. It was unthinkable to them that they could be in full view over 5.000 meters above the ground.

. . .

"I think they exceeded Ichigaya's expectations a bit. To think that they will burn it down..."

"Didn't Ichigaya say that they would demolish the houses and use them as fuel?"

The ones who were gawking at the scene were Busujima and her senior in the reconnaissance unit.

The Ministry of Defense had predicted that if the villagers were gone and traps had been set, the enemy forces would dismantle the houses and use them as fuel in an attempt to recover at least the usable materials.

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