On the Run!

318 17 13

This will be this month's post.

Let's see if... Hashidate can escape...

- Kazuhiro Kasami


In the bridge of the patrol vessel Hashidate, which was suddenly struck by a large shock, Jojima, while bleeding from hitting his head on the instrument panel, shouted loudly, "Damage report!"

As expected of the captain of a patrol ship.

"We've been hit on the port aft! Above the waterline! No flooding!"

It seems that the worst-case scenario of being sunk with a single blow has been avoided. However...

"The explosion damaged the engine! One of the two diesel engines is down, resulting in a system shutdown! As a result, the output will be reduced by half!"

"What!? If the output is halved, we won't be able to reach a speed of 15 knots even at full power! Is there any temporary repair possible!?"

"No, sir! The explosion has caused extensive damage! It would be impossible to repair without going into drydock!"

"This is a major problem... Even if we say we wouldn't have sunk in this situation, we can't be completely happy about it..."

"Indeed... At this rate, we will be caught up."

The fortunate thing in this unfortunate situation is probably the diesel engine's structure, which is less prone to ignition. It seemed that a major explosion did not occur suddenly in the engine room.

In the case of gasoline or turbine engines, it is common, including during wartime, for them to ignite and cause a massive explosion. In fact, it is said that many tank units of Nazi Germany had gasoline engines, resulting in a high rate of engine fires when hit. In contrast, Japan was one of the few countries outside the Soviet Union that adopted diesel engines for tanks. However, during that time in Japan, securing high-quality gasoline was prioritized for aircraft, so it was simply a matter of using diesel engines that could be operated even with inferior fuel, including tanks. The diesel engine, which was highly valued not only by the Japanese but also by various other countries, would find it difficult to evade the enemy's fierce attacks if the output was significantly reduced.

"Well, we have no choice... We'll have to take evasive action and head west! Aim for the nearest port of Grand Lago! We'll have to seek protection there!"

"Yes, sir!"

The ship moved slowly, but its speed was clearly slower than before.

"The speed has decreased to 15 knots! 14, 13... Maintaining at 12 knots! Maximum output!"

"With the current output, that might be the limit—"


Along with a tremendous explosion, water from the point of impact was splashed high into the air.

"By the way... Considering the maximum range of the main guns of that coastal defense fleet's pre-dreadnought battleships, it was a close call, wasn't it? Judging from the damage, it felt like the shells came from a much farther distance and at a considerable speed."

"Indeed, it clearly seemed to be a high-powered and long-range cannon. I'm not familiar with cannons myself, so I can't say for sure..."

Yamaguchi was flipping through a book titled "Weapons Collection of the Finweden Sea Kingdom" that he had brought with him, which was compiled by the Ministry of Defense and the Joint Staff Office, trying to find out which ship's main guns could have reached them. Among them, he found the name of a ship with intriguing cannons.

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