What I Saw in Hiroshima...

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Finally, the tour of Japan will begin.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


After offing the two Tyrannosaurus parents and their offspring, the SDF called the village head, Garzon, and diplomat Sonomura to prove it.

"This is... I had thought that maybe, just maybe, but you really did slay the rampaging monster...?"

Garzon's face was filled with astonishment and awe.

"Yes. I was indeed surprised when the other one came out, but since we had a reasonable amount of armaments, we were able to defeat it without any damage."

Garzon was now convinced. That they are far more... advanced than themselves, or even more than they can imagine.

"Hm. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for accomplishing what we asked you to do."

"Now, would you like to interact with us?"

But Garzon shook his head.

"No. I don't think so."

Sonomura was taken aback.


But the words that came out of Garzon's mouth were unexpected to Sonomura and the others.

"Let us join your 'country.'"


"The 'country' to which you belong is very advanced and developed, and I thought to myself. If you have such power, and yet you have the heart to use your power to help us, who have no connection to you. You accepted our request without hesitation. We wanted to follow your heart."

Sonomura had a noble motive of exterminating vermin, but he was not about to let an unexpected opportunity to talk with the people fall through the cracks.

"What do you think? If you want me to do so, I would like to tell other nearby villages about this and increase the number of people who work for you."

"Wh-why do you say that?"

Garzon let out a soft smile.

"We have been thinking about what you said, and it seems to us that you want this land because you want to be in a relationship with us. We don't know for sure, but... if you want a place that much, you want food, resources, and so on."

Sonomura managed not to show it on his face, but inside he could not hide his surprise. This man is perceptive. Sonomura was convinced that if he underestimated him because he was a low-civilized person, he would be in for a world of pain.

"What do you think? I only know of two settlements, but I have heard from them before that there are other settlements in other parts of this land... If we can take advantage of the connections between the settlements, they will soon spread to other parts of the land."

Apparently, Garzon's idea is to spread the news to settlements all over the continent to get them to protect the people living on the continent. Certainly, they would be rather grateful if that would get the news through. It would save a lot of time and effort in negotiations. But even so, he couldn't just nod his head.

"...That's right. I can't give you an answer on my own. However, if you contact the home country, I think they will probably agree to it. But are you sure about what this settlement wants?"

Indeed, it is hard to imagine that all the people in this village would suddenly agree. However, Garzon does not lose his soft smile. Apparently, he has an idea.

Japan Space-Time Strange ChroniclesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora