Pacifist Republic of Francesca

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Hi, this time, a delegation from the Republic of Francesca, a country of elves and werewolves, will visit the New Continent.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


March 20, 1738

Republic of Francesca, Capital Palin

Thanks to its farmlands and forests, the Republic of Francesca is full of greenery. It is a country with territory equal to Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands in the old world. At the Foreign Ministry in the capital city of Palin, diplomatic negotiations that would determine the fate of the country were about to take place.

From yesterday to today, the Foreign Ministry has been dealing with a delegation from an emerging country, Japan, which was reported by their ally, the Grand Lago Kingdom. Now they have finished their working-level consultations and are meeting to discuss the dispatch of a delegation to Japan.

"Then, we will be able to send a delegation under the above conditions."

Dax, the werewolf Minister of Foreign Affairs of Francesca, reviewed the document again, written in Francescan (which they called French). In front of him sat a race that is taller than the dwarves, but slender, and looked like a combination of an elf and a dwarf divided by two.

'Are they really going to conclude diplomatic relations on such favorable terms? A huge nation that owns a vast continent, but... soft diplomatic conduct... they seem to be a pacifist country like ours.'

With heartfelt relief that the other party was a peace-loving nation despite being a great power, he confirmed the provisions for the dispatch of the delegation.

"Then, we will need about a week of your time to organize the delegation."

"Yes. The Japanese government is ready to receive the delegation, so we will be able to adjust to your pace. Please rest assured."

Dax was so impressed by the consideration that he was even afraid to ask if he was really being treated so kindly.

"Even if we conclude diplomatic relations on such favorable terms, the only thing we can export from our country are our crops... What's in it for Japan?"

The Japanese diplomat who was asked did not crack a smile.

"Our country hopes to establish diplomatic relations with many countries and to lead the world as a whole in a positive direction. Countries will develop further by deepening their relationships with other countries. Competition will arise and new economic activities will occur. I hope that our country can become a world leader in this way."

In other words, the person sitting in front of him is saying that his country has that much technology and capability. At least, it seems that the Grand Lago Kingdom's statement that it is not an emerging nation as it was recently established was correct.

"But then, a country from another world... I have never heard it before except in the myth of a continent that suddenly disappeared about 10.000 years ago."

"The cause of this phenomenon is still unknown in our country, but I hope that there is a good reason for its occurrence."

As the Japanese diplomat calmly announced, a variety of Japan's prized possessions were laid out in front of him. They included watches, notepads, mechanical pencils, music players, and other items commonly used by Japanese people in their daily lives. But by the standards of the Republic of Francesca, they were all judged to be highly sophisticated.

"I am sure you are right. At the very least, it is clear that the various items you have just shown us are not things that even the world-strongest Yetisk Empire could produce."

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