The Coast Guard's Fierce Battle, First Pirate Extermination in Another World

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Excuse me for posting this late at night. This is a rare late-night post.

I have received many comments regarding the last chapter concerning the Divine Kingdom of Anubisius. It seems I was still inexperienced and I deeply apologize for not understanding some of them. If I get the chance, I may rewrite the previous chapter in some form. Please take a look through it then.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


November 25, 2024

Divine Kingdom of Anubisius, 500 km north of the Divine City Caije, patrol vessel Itsukushima

At the request of the Divine Kingdom of Anubisius and the friendly Republic of Francesca, the patrol vessel Itsukushima was sailing to suppress a group of pirates who had established a stronghold on an archipelago in the southern part of the Republic as part of "international contribution." These islands correspond to the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea in the old world.

"All clear ahead."

"No response from the surface and air search radars."

The crew was carrying out their duties without incident. So far, there seemed to be no enemy in sight. Kazama reported this to Shiba with a hum.

"Captain, it seemed that the enemy has not been able to predict our approach."

"I hear that they are mainly deserters from the Spernino Kingdom, but are there any winged people or giant birds from the Italicia Kingdom?"

"The information is unclear... the merchant ship that was attacked was looted after all the sailors and mercenaries were killed, so there is not enough information to go on."

Shiba pondered at Kazama's words.

"It is certainly not the best situation. However, if we consider that the enemy has units similar to that of air power and paratroopers, I believe we will not be caught flat-footed. We should always assume the worst and remain optimistic."

Kazama, in response to the young but cautious opinion, agreed.

"Well, I don't think we will lose even if we have to engage in anti-ship combat."

In fact, their opponent is said to have two wooden ships-of-the-line that are not even armored. The ships of the Divine Kingdom would have difficulty dealing with them, but with Japanese technology, even Itsukushima alone, which has almost the same capabilities as the Shikishima, could be considered overkill.

"In any case, aside from dealing with the ships, dealing with a group of nearly six hundred pirates is going to be a painstaking task."

The security force for suppression is also present on board the Shikishima and the Itsukushima, but it can be judged that it will be very difficult to deal with them while all 600 of them are intact. However, if the enemy came out to face them with their ships, they could at least reduce their morale by sinking the ships, and although it may sound imprudent, Shiba surmised that they would also reduce their numbers to some extent by killing them in battle.

In this way, Shiba's thinking is often quite realistic. Perhaps because of this, he has been nicknamed "Cold-Blooded" and "Computer-Man" since his days at training school.

Some people who have known him, such as Mizuki, know that he has a girlfriend named Yukina who is three years his junior. Since they had grown up in the same neighborhood from childhood, they were like siblings, and she had always been close to him, calling him "nii-san."

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