Approach and Obstacle

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Hi, Kasami here.

I have decided to post a total of 3 chapters this month because I have been writing a lot this month and I had a personal matter to celebrate. I will try to post the rest around the 20th, so please bear with me.


January 16, 1741

Sindhvan Community, Port City of Levadad

Levadad was about to undergo a major development, partly due to Japan's involvement. Specifically, it is becoming a fashionable state like Yamashita Park in Yokohama. In one corner of the city, there was a silhouette of a large passenger ship heading for Japan in the middle of the night.

And there was Psether, an intelligence agent sent by the Neutrine Empire. He is already an old man, but has excellent judgment, and is a terrific intelligence officer who has brought back a variety of important information.

"Hmm... indeed the Japanese ship is huge. As Master Meelo said, it is hard to believe that the Yetisk Empire would export that kind of technology..."

Psether calmly wrote down as much information as he can in the notepad he is holding.

"...Let's try to get a bit closer to the boarding ramp."

Perhaps because there were not many people around, Psether took a slightly more daring step. As he approached, he saw a variety of other vessels.

"...A white warship?"

And among them was the Akitsushima, a large Japan Coast Guard patrol vessel deployed by the Japanese government to fight piracy.

"Hmm. It is clearly more advanced than our warships. But it has a very small caliber gun... can they fight with that thing? No, there are several pieces of equipment that don't even look right. It would be dangerous to judge it on that alone."

As Psether approached further, people who appeared to be crew members were gathering. And then, one of them left the circle, apparently to use the restroom.

" convenient," Psether followed the man stealthily.

The man had cat ears like him. Therefore, Psether was going to impersonate him. He crept up behind the man and pressed a cloth soaked with a medicine that would make him unconscious to his mouth. He was waiting for him to finish his business, by the way.

The man's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he collapsed. Psether quickly stripped off the man's clothes and tried to put them on. But when he put it on, he was surprised.

"These clothes are made of a much more solid fabric than our country's..."

He felt as if he had glimpsed a piece of technology that was clearly more advanced than that of his country.

"...Err, oh crap."

Psether checked the belongings. But then he realized something fatal.

"...I can't read this."

Most of the belongings were written in Japanese, a language he cannot read. Even when he looked at his notebook, he had no idea what was written in it.

"Hm, I can read this...? Oh, the Sindhvan language."

Thanks to the port of entry certificate written in Latin (the company made sure that the locals could read it), he found out more about this person.

"Naoto Nekozawa, huh? Is this the naming custom in Japan?"

The demi-humans absorbed by Japan came up with their names and surnames after learning the Japanese language. The purpose, of course, was to clarify blood relations and prevent incestuous marriages as much as possible.

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