Hardship After Hardship

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This is the first chapter this month.

This chapter will be about the politicians' side of the truth. Whether Japanese ministers are competent or not, please remember that this is fiction.

Also, a new weapon will appear in this chapter.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


January 23, 2028

Japan, Tokyo, Prime Minister's Office

Day after day, the Prime Minister's Office is filled with clamor... except for this day, when it was almost completely silent after the information from Hembu.

"...Gentlemen, what do you think of this?"

First, the Foreign Minister raised his hand. His face didn't change from its pained expression.

"What do you think about this? If we were to make this news public, who knows what kind of debate would be raised, not only from other countries but also from within our own country..."

The Defense Minister nodded in agreement with the Foreign Minister. It is quite rare for them to agree on something.

"That's right. In some cases, there is a possibility that each country may turn radical when reacting to this ancient human civilization. If that happens, tensions between countries will needlessly increase, and I wonder what will happen to the peace that we have worked so hard to build..."

If the Ministry of Defense's analysis and research are correct, it would be nigh-impossible for countries to suddenly catch up with or surpass Japan, no matter how hard they try. However, some countries, such as the Neutrine Empire, have a history where their entire race was once persecuted, so they certainly have to be very careful in their announcements, given people's sentiments.

"In any case, I believe that Japan, with its detailed research capabilities, should take the lead in conducting research on the ancient civilization."

The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Minister of the Environment nodded in agreement with the Minister of Education.

"What do you think about a survey on the ancient civilization... Defense Minister?"

"Yes. This is a hint I got from a certain Japan isekai novel, but when there is a pattern of a very technologically advanced civilization in the past... there are often traces of their remains... located in unexpectedly remote places."

In that now best-selling novel, the story was not originally published in book form. However, due to the huge success of the novel, the original author and editor increased the number of copies until it became a book in the form of "Gaiden," which also sold well as a matter of course.

"If so, what place would that have in this world?"

Immediately, an aide to the Prime Minister operated a tablet to display a map.

"What do you think?"

The Defense Minister looked at the displayed map and pointed to several, saying, "For example..."

"In my opinion, Australia, Antarctica, and the Arctic, which are isolated from the outside world, would be perfect hiding places. Scientists' analysis suggests that the ancient civilization was at least far more advanced than our own, so it is possible that they could have built bases in the Antarctic or the Arctic and remained there permanently."

"Do you also mean that it is possible that some of their descendants are still alive?" The Prime Minister asked, questioning the others.

"If we are talking about remote areas, Greenland might be a good place to start. Then... there are islands such as New Zealand."

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