Overview & National Setting 4

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This is an overview and setting of the surprise attack that I suddenly remembered and decided to post. There is not that much information this time. There is no information about the Sindhvan Community that is 'relevant to later developments.'

It is really just an outline of the countries.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Divine Kingdom of Anubisius

An absolute monarchy with its capital located where Algiers, the capital of Algeria, is located, which is effectively the new world's equivalent of North Africa. The country is characterized by its vast land and rich nature in the south (central part of the continent) and is ruled by a ruling system headed by the dark elves, who worship the Goddess Anubisius.

Its military technology is not so well-developed, but the technology of daily life is a bit advanced. Although primitive, they are able to generate electricity by understanding how batteries work, and they also use asphalt, which was originally used for other purposes, for making roads. However, because of diplomatic relations with the Grand Lago Kingdom, some people say that "gas lamps are faster" or "the Kingdom's electrical technology is more capable," but the Divine Kingdom's upper echelons believe that "it is meaningful because we make it ourselves," so they try to make what they can by themselves.

Their interaction with Japan began when one of their ships happened to wash up on Chichijima Island in Ogasawara Island. Kellus, the second prince of Anubisius, who was aboard the ship saved by the people of Chichijima, was extremely grateful and wanted to see the country of Japan.

The Japanese government, upon receiving a report from Ogasawara, sees this as an opportunity to establish diplomatic relations, and together with the Coast Guard officers who had rescued them, they meet the people from the Divine Kingdom and propose the conclusion of diplomatic relations with Japan, which is accepted.

Drifting to the Japanese mainland, Kellus is surprised at first to find that Japan possesses technology far superior to his own country, but he decides that accepting this technology will lead to the future of his country. Furthermore, Kellus falls in love with a woman named Mizuki Kurokawa, a medical officer of the Japan Coast Guard, and this becomes the first example of an international marriage since Japan's transference.

After establishing exchanges with Japan, the country is heavily pro-Japanese in its foreign policy, sending exchange students, adopting advanced technologies that it had insisted on developing at home, and later importing warships for export and aircraft for export.

Dark elves, like the elves, live for nearly 200 years.

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Sindhvan Community

A huge country that occupies this world's equivalent of the entire Middle East (stretching from Turkey in the west, Pakistan in the east, Yemen in the south, and Kazakhstan in the north) and all of the country's affairs are decided in consultation among the country's powerful leaders.

The majority of the land is desert and wasteland, a harsh environment where men of various tribes and Lamia women with serpentine underbellies live. The area is a strategic point connecting Africa, Europe, and Asia, and as a result, commerce is highly developed. The country has developed a very liberal economic system, with many of its people owning shares in domestic trading companies and benefiting in various ways from their holdings.

Due to the nature of the land, which is mostly desert, there is little productivity other than energy-related activities as far as Japan can tell, but because of its commercial importance, the country has signed a non-aggression pact with other countries, and any fighting is forbidden in the country.

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