Concluding Diplomatic Relations, Further Expansions

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This is the second chapter of the month. I boarded the destroyer Teruzuki today!

It was less bumpy than I expected... I was also convinced that it was described as 'less bumpy' by Summoning Japan and others.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


February 27, 2024, 14:30

Japan, Tokyo

The delegation departing from Yokosuka boarded a microbus and was driven along the highway, their eyes continually widening at the size, height, and surrounding landscape. When they entered Tokyo, the actual capital city of Japan, which is capable of building such a huge structure, their astonishment turned to horror.

"How... how can they build huge buildings like this...?"

In their country, the buildings are mainly solid brick structures, but the grandeur of the structures spread out before them was nothing compared to that. The height is overwhelming, and the tallest of them appear to be well over 100 meters. Not only that, but the sides of the buildings are made of large amounts of glass. The transparency and quantity of the glass is so impressive that it would be difficult even for the Grand Lago Kingdom to prepare such a structure.

They were also even more surprised to observe buildings and streets that looked like stone to the casual observer, but were made of a different material than stone. And the huge hotels near the large stone walls, which were oddly large in the city, were also very huge but yet comfortable. The environment was quite harsh as it was a bit cold at this time of the year. However, despite the frigid temperatures, the inside of the building was very warm, as were the cars and boats.

While Sonomura was going through the formalities after entering the hotel, Falco was talking to Hoguno of the Technical Development Department while turning very pale.

"As you can imagine... no, Japanese technology is so advanced that it is far beyond my imagination. Considering that we have bever been able to confirm a country as developed as this one, I suppose the claim that Japan appeared out of nowhere is indeed correct."

"That's right. It is of course necessary to have the technology to make transparent glass like that... but how much industrial power is needed to make that number... At least, if we wanted to make the same thing in our country with these numbers, it would take much longer and there is no guarantee that we would be able to produce the same quality. Without a doubt, I think it is no exaggeration to say that Japan is the country that possesses the greatest capabilities of any nation that we are aware of today. Not even the Yetisk Empire could pull off such a feat."

Hoguno was more acutely aware than ever than they were completely inferior to Japan based on her experience and knowledge as a researcher.

"What did you think, Falco? As a diplomat, seeing the Japanese as they are."

Falco also felt the same sense of defeat. His face was deathly pale.

"From what I have observed so far, the Japanese seem to be a very humble and considerate people. By our world standards, there are many parts of the world that require how coercively we act and exploit the weaker party... It seems that the Japanese people are centrally composed of those who are not so. That's how I felt."

In this world where Falco and his team live, for some reason, there is a meeting place where some countries get together to report on recent developments and check on economic activities, but even this is far from the line of cooperation.

The Grand Lago Kingdom is a very advanced country compared to other countries in the world, and there is already a sense of national prosperity due to an active free economy. Compared to other countries, the kingdom has always focused on the development of new products and new technologies, and although it is inferior to the Yetisk Empire, a major power in the east, in terms of some of its technical capabilities and scale, it prided itself on understanding the importance of technology and information better than anyone else in this world. However, the presence of Japan overturned this.

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