Waspaniat Kingdom and Yi Empire

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This is the second chapter this month.

It has become very cold, but I managed to stay healthy.

Finally, the Waspaniat Kingdom and the Yi Empire are here.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


March 20, 1748

Sindhvan Community, Levadad

On this day, in the conference room of a huge Japanese-made hotel in Levadad, Shinoyama, a Japanese diplomat, and Mayfour, a female diplomat of the Waspaniat Kingdom, exchanged documents containing the signatures of conclusion that were given to them by each other's heads of state. In fact, it would have been better if they could have done it in Mecomin, Waspaniat's capital, but the Waspanites judged that it was not a good situation because the Waspaniat Kingdom was in tension with the Yi Empire in the north (in short, they took care of it).

Shinoyama saw the Waspanites for the first time on this mission. He had heard that they had 'antennae like bees and second abdomen extending from the tailbone,' so he wore white formal wear. The reason for the white is that bees have the characteristic of becoming terribly agitated when they see something dark or black in a bright place. This is one of their instincts to resist their natural enemy, the bears. Since bears often have brown or black fur, the approach of these colors is a sign that they are enemies.

As a side note, it has been found that bees also make a buzzing sound by shaking their wings in groups to intimidate bears. This is said to be an imitation of the sound of snakes, which bears do not like. The fact that bees systematically try to repel bears by making the sound of something they don't like shows how socially competent and intelligent they are.


Shinoyama's son, who is a biology geek, had told him such a thing before he left, so he decided to wear white for the trip.

Mayfour looked a bit apprehensive, but she firmly accepted the document Shinoyama held out to her.

"Mister Shinoyama. I beg your pardon, but I find the Japanese formal attire to be unusual. I have never seen a white formal dress before."

Shinoyama answered with a smile to Mayfour's comment, "No, this is... it's a common theory in our country that your physical characteristics, as 'bees,' become agitated or aggressive when they see dark or black colors in bright places... Perhaps they were not?"

Mayfour, who was probably in her late twenties, laughed at Shinoyama, a man in his forties.

"To tell the truth, it seems that there was a time when our ancestors had instincts like that. However, as time went by, they became more harmonious with other species and these instincts died down. So as long as anyone doesn't start a war, we should be fine."

It seemed that the Waspanites had succeeded in suppressing their aggressive instincts over the years.

'I've judged a lot of things based on their looks and superficial creatures... I've screwed this up.' Shinoyama lamented, but Mayfour gently held Shinoyama's hand.

"I am truly grateful to you for trying not to provoke us. I would like to say this now as a representative of the Waspaniat people. Please know that we look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with you in the future."

Shinoyama was completely taken aback by Mayfour's mild-mannered phrasing and demeanor. When he had previously visited the Republic of Francesca and the Divine Kingdom of Anubisius, he had found the elves and dark elves to be a mild and friendly race, but he was led to believe that they were not as friendly as the Waspanites.

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