Onwards to the Palin International Conference

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This is the first chapter this month.

I personally believe that the response of each country to the shocking revelation will be crucial this time.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


May 4, 1746

Republic of Francesca, Capital Palin, Soleil Auditorium

This is a large wooden auditorium built after the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Francesca and Japan. It is used for national celebrations and large conferences, and this time Japan chose Francesca as the venue for the conference.

In particular, the capital city of Palin has been transformed into a functional and scenic city as a result of Japanese design and construction of stone and wooden buildings using modern construction methods in consideration of the landscape. In addition, the city is located far away from the Halidom and on the outskirts of the continent, making it easier to guard and ensure safety.

An elf and his wife were walking through the city, admiring the buildings.

"Palin has changed."

"Yes. I never know it was possible to build these beautiful wooden buildings until a decade ago."

It had been more than eight years since the Republic of Francesca had established diplomatic relations with Japan, being the second after the Grand Lago Kingdom, and has benefited considerably from its high food production capacity.

The technologies introduced by Japan are innumerable.

Tractors and sorting machines have greatly increased the efficiency of farming operations and harvesting, and huge trucks that can transport large quantities of goods, as well as cardboard boxes and plastic packing materials that increase the safety of the cargo. Fishing nets and methods made of heavy-duty fibers have increased fishing efficiency and the provision of fishing vessels and sonar. Above all, the provision of huge freezers to store fish was a great gift.

In military technology, the use of gas masks allowed the elves to use firearms, and modern vehicles were used in the military. Soon, two warships will also be purchased with government money.

Without Japan, Francesca would still be just a provincial state at the bottom of the world. However, the provision of various technologies changed the country. Furthermore, Japanese-style education methods were introduced one after another. Many children of elves and werewolves are now studying in schools that offer Japanese-style education. This has allowed them to afford to study not only academics but also culture, such as arts.

It seems that in Japan's old world, France and other European countries had many wonderful works of art and artifacts, and many young people were studying them, hoping to be able to create such things themselves after seeing pictures and videos of them.

The Soleil Auditorium, the new symbol of this country, is now surrounded by heavy security even by old-world standards. In addition to 300 riot police armed with oak wooden poles with rubber chunks attached to the tips for non-lethal but enhanced striking power, and reinforced plastic shields and body armor, there are 150 JGSDF members armed with compound bows equipped with bamboo spears and bamboo arrows.

Do not be fooled by the fact that an oak stick seems to be stronger than a bamboo spear. This is a second-hand mace that has been stored in each police station and has been modified to be used as a simple mace in this security operation.

Also, there are many small ceramic pots at the JGSDF personnel's feet. In short, they are simple hand grenades.

All of this is in preparation in case there are radical dissidents among the Arachnes and they attack this conference. The last time the Sindhvan Community held a security meeting, dozens of police officers were deployed, but only a few of them managed to break through the police force, so the level of alertness this time can only be described as "amazing." What is more is that there are people positioned on the roofs, under the ceilings, and in other places where the Arachnes could enter or climb.

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