The Crown Prince's Kissing Incident

422 16 8

This will be the first chapter this month.

If the title of this month's chapter made you confused, read it to the end to find out.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Day 10 Month 8 Year 380 World Calendar

Elmeris Kingdom, Elmeris Airbase, JASDF Reconnaissance Group

On the outskirts of Merielda, the capital of the Elmeris Kingdom, one of the two countries in this world's Australia that is being quickly modernized by Japan and Grand Lago, there is an airbase with an extended runway. There, an RQ-2 Vulture of the JASDF Reconnaissance Group from the Hyakuri Air Base was about to take off.

The RQ-2s, which are already being mass-produced at factories on the continent, have resulted in the continuation of the Reconnaissance Group, which was originally scheduled to be disbanded, and more than 30 aircraft are already in service, including those at various locations on the continent. The number of Reconnaissance Groups themselves has been greatly increased, but since strategic satellites are now used for large-scale reconnaissance, the role of the Reconnaissance Groups has become more of a mission to penetrate hostile territory and obtain more detailed information.

This time, too, the role of the Reconnaissance Group was to enter the skies over Barbaronia, the capital of the Barbarassa Empire, to obtain detailed information that would be difficult to determine by satellite alone. This was possible only because the other side's air power level was far lower than that of the JASDF.

Because of this low level of capability, it was not feasible to send a large number of state-of-the-art aircraft (F-3s), so 35 FT-4s, which were transported by the aircraft destroyer Amagi and landed at the airport after launching from the ship, were to serve as the main force. The F-3Bs of the Azuchi will return to their mothership as soon as the FT-4s arrive, and it has been decided that they will launch when there are too many enemies to handle.

Also, the FT-4s were equipped with two Type 22 air-to-air missile pods, as explained before, so it can launch a total of four missiles, which is considered to be no problem unless a very poor pilot missed a large number of missiles, considering the number of wyverns (50) that they will be facing. After all, the FT-4 was originally a T-4 trainer, so it has high agility and is unlikely to be defeated in a dogfight. The FT-4's 12,7 mm machine gun had room for 800 rounds, so it was thought that it would be able to take advantage of its high altitude and use a hit-and-run strategy.

The RQ-2s also left the base and landed on the aircraft destroyer Amagi off the coast of Japan where they were carried on board and transported. There were three of them. The Joint Staff Office had determined that three would be sufficient, considering that they would be rotated.

From the improvised control tower at Elmeris Airbase, instructions were sent to the RQ-2 Vulture taxing on the runway.

"Tower to Melda 1, you are cleared for takeoff."

"This is Melda 1, ready to take off. Look forward to your souvenirs."

"Can't wait for it. But beware of the Barbaronian winged lizards."

"Roger that. I'll be on guard."

As soon as the RQ-2's turbofan engines ignited, the anti-gravity device on board is activated by an electrical signal, making the aircraft suddenly became lighter.

"Melda 1, takeoff."


The aircraft, which had accelerated, lifted off after only 500 meters (normally an aircraft of this standard would need to run on a runway of at least 1 kilometer), and disappeared beyond the sky at blinding speed with a roar of afterburners that is said by those who have never heard of it to be 'like a thunderstorm.'

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