Francesca Invasion Army Defeated!! Take this Dragon's Breath!!

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This is the third chapter, as I have been declaring for some time. Now, this time, I've put in a chapter that breaks a certain tradition.

I am very curious, I would say, and horrified, as to what people will think of this, but it is something I decided to 'try with this.'

- Kazuhiro Kasami


May 6, 1742

Republic of Francesca, Fortified City Garrard

Here, the soldiers of Francesca were fighting hard day and night until Japanese reinforcements arrived. In particular, the Francescans have been able to defend themselves much more easily recently because tanks have been appearing on the front lines much less frequently, perhaps because the Neutrine tanks were breaking down, or perhaps because they don't want to make it difficult to recover them when they are exposed to poison gas.

General Egle was relieved that they have been able to drive the enemy back that day with few wounds.

"Hoh... everyone, are you alright?"

"Yes, sir. East Platoon, two dead, only three slightly wounded."

"South Platoon, zero dead, one slightly wounded."

Because this citadel faces east and south toward Neutrine, enemy attacks are likely to be concentrated in those areas. Therefore, a total of 8.000 soldiers were deployed in that direction. Including civilians who had been recruited for the emergency, the number was far more than 10.000, and considering the lack of air power, it was surprisingly time-consuming.

"We're hoping to manage to hold out a little longer..."

Egle looked around the city and saw many people lying wounded. The soldiers are not the only ones who have been injured, and not a few of the civilians who are helping the soldiers with their work are also injured.

"Ugh... we can't last forever..."

Supplies are coming in from the capital and the granary without a problem, but the soldiers who handle them were getting worn out by the day. A little while ago, the capital sent 500 people and supplies as reinforcements, but they were far from enough in the face of the enemy's overwhelming technology and capabilities.

Then, a liaison officer called.


The soldier quickly got down on one knee and reported to Egle.

"Reporting!! I've just received word from the capital! 'The Japanese Self-Defense Forces have departed to provide reinforcements. I hope you can hold out for a few more days.' That's all, sir!"


At last, finally, Japan is sending reinforcements. The moment this information was obtained, a glimmer of hope lit up the faces of the people in the citadel.

"Japan... is coming to help us."

"We'll be saved... we'll be saved!!"

"That's right, don't give up on life!!"

From everywhere, people shouted praises for the hope that was soon to come, and morale was at its peak. Egle couldn't help but smile at the best news he had heard since the battle began.

"Alright! Just a few more days! Let's hold out a few more days and welcome the Japanese army—I mean, the Self-Defense Forces, with open arms!!"


With this, Garrad showed even stronger defensive measures to persist. There were only three days left until the SDF's arrival.


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