Archaeological Site Survey

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This will be the first chapter this month.

What happened to the peace negotiations...? What ancient relics were left behind in the Barbarassa Empire...?

- Kazuhiro Kasami


February 20, 2030

Japan, Tokyo, Prime Minister's Office

On this day at the Prime Minister's Office, more than two months after the New Year began, it was finally time to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Then is the Barbarassa Empire's ruling family secured?"

The Defense Minister and the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, and Transportation nodded at Prime Minister's words.

"Yes. We arrested them, treating them as terrorists who had attempted to commit acts of terrorism against a country with which Japan has friendly relations, but we were able to get through to them quicker than we had expected, and they requested that we guarantee the safety of their people when surrendering."

"I had heard that this Barbarassa XXI person was a cautious fellow, a type who knocked on a stone bridge before crossing it, but I didn't expect him to surrender so easily... Is he likely to cooperate with the investigation?"

To begin with, the reason why the Barbarassa Empire pushed for the unification of the continent was to gain knowledge of various races and to advance the analysis of the ruins, and with that, they planned to expand into the outside world. Barbarassa XXI knew from the data left in the ruins that there were many islands and continents outside the continent, and he was considering an expedition to those areas as they gained power.

However, Japan's intervention ruined the entire thing.

"Yes. When we told them that we are there to investigate the ancient ruins, they offered to help us. There was some self-preservation involved... but apparently they were pretty stuck on their own research and investigation."

When investigating and researching things, if one individual or just a few people try to investigate alone, it is inevitable that perspectives and ways of thinking will become too narrow, making it difficult to think flexibly. The dragonoid and lizardmen had similar sensibilities, so they could only come up with similar opinions.

The Japanese felt that they were selfish or irresponsible enough to say "please go ahead" when they said that Japan would investigate the matter. But still, they were allowed to investigate, so they had nothing to complain about.

"Looking at this, it was a good decision to change to a multinational survey team."

"This alone will bring about a major change in our way of thinking."

Japan was also currently thinking about investigating the ancient civilization, but in doing so, they also intended to listen to the opinions of people from various countries, including the Grand Lago Kingdom and the Divine Kingdom of Anubisius. After all, the more opinions from multiple perspectives, the better the investigation would proceed.

However, as the saying goes, "too many captains will steer a ship up a mountain," so it was necessary to narrow down the multifaceted opinions to one that would be the best. Moreover, since most of the members of this survey team have a more antiquated way of thinking compared to the Japanese, they need to be even more careful.

"The only items left behind in the ruins of the Halidom of Ganeshade were all locked up..."

The truth is that the items found in the ruins of Ganeshade's Sanctuary were brought back to Japan to be examined, but most of them were electronically locked, so little progress has been made in researching them.

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