Giant Dragon Overwhelmed, Night Battle Victory

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This is the second chapter this month.

This is the second chapter to feature battles and finally, the land and sea units will be...

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Most of the Barbarassan army was crushed by the airstrike of the Air Self-Defense Force, but the armored dragons in the lead were safe. If it were true, they could have been hit by the Suisei's 105 mm rifled guns, but that would have created the possibility of missed shots, so the Ground Self-Defense Force had planned from the start to precisely destroy them with the striking power of its ground forces.

This time, a joint strike force, led by Type 16 maneuver combat vehicles and Type 96 armored personnel carriers, was ordered to sortie from inside the moat and hit the dinosaur units on the front line. Colonel Nakamura, who was assigned as the commander, boarded a Type 82 command vehicle and barked orders in rapid succession.

"Then, 1st Strike Group, move to the right flank, while the 2nd Strike Group will move to the left flank. Form a crane-wing formation and exterminate the enemy with your mobility. That is all."


There are twenty Type 16 MCVs deployed, so they will be divided into two groups. If the center is about to be attacked, the plan is to use the anti-tank weapons and machine gun positions of the infantry units to stall them, and then pincer them with the armored forces that have destroyed the enemy units.

Type 16 MCVs were already running around the battlefield, being assigned one prey after another for them to finish off by datalink.

"All units, commence attack!!"

. . .

Merdez, the leader of the attack dragon soldiers, could not believe his eyes. The Barbarassan infantry unit, which was supposed to be invincible, disappeared like dust in the blink of an eye due to a ferocious attack from the sky, and the others fled. It is estimated that this heavy attack had reduced them to perhaps less than half of their original strength.

"However... we're lucky to be safe."

"Yes, sir. Let us show them the power of the trident dragon and the armored hammer dragon."

The trident dragon is the Triceratops, while the armored hammer dragon is the Ankylosaurus, to clear things up.

Unlike the carnivorous dinosaur's elaborate names, the herbivores have simple names, perhaps because they were more numerous than the carnivorous dinosaurs and therefore more troublesome to name.

But I digress.

The attack dragon riders cannot retreat just because their allies were disturbed. This is because the original doctrine of the 'attackers' was a policy of 'never retreat under any circumstances,' a policy that was based entirely on spiritualism. In a sense, it has an aspect similar to that of the old Imperial Japanese Army during World War II. In other words, they have the mentality of being 'willing to die.'

In this World, they have no enemies, and that was fine until now. However, the fact that they were not supposed to be taking on an overwhelmingly powerful entity like Japan is making the soldiers anxious.

"Bastard... I didn't expect the main force to be slaughtered by an attack from the sky alone... but break through the enclosure at all costs and destroy those fakes!! The bounty is waiting for you beyond that!!"

"""YES, SIR!!"""

However, the Ankylosaurus on which the attackers were riding can only go a little faster than a person can walk, or about the same speed as a person can run, even if they are in a hurry. The Triceratops is also able to keep up with the Ankylosaurus, so it is in the same state as an ox.

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