The SDF Getting Carried Away in the Siege of the Capital

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This is the first chapter of this month.

As usual, there are some harsh comments, but I am going to continue with this story for the time being. This time it will be a siege of the capital.

I don't know what you think of it... but it contains an excessive amount of bad jokes, so if you are uncomfortable with that, you might not want to read this. However, looking at what the SDF has done so far, I thought, "I'm going to do it surprisingly..."

- Kazuhiro Kasami


May 20, 1742

Neutrine Empire, Capital Rumaest, Senate

On this day, the Senate was in a state of confusion. It seemed that Reve, who was supposed to be in the Sindhvan Community, had disappeared along with Camellia and the others, that a unit deployed to invade the Republic of Francesca had been unilaterally annihilated, and even the frontline base had been destroyed. Moreover, it seemed that the enemy was the Japanese, a country that belongs to the Yetisk Empire (or so they think). The survivors of the battle have been found to have witnessed the Japanese flag, a red circle on a white background.

The President, Ocheion, looked frustrated.

The other senators had to shout something to keep their mental stability.

"What in the world is happening!? Why are we being defeated over and over again by a Yetisk Empire's lackey!?"

"Just what the hell is this Japan anyway!? It's as if there is no information about them!!"

"What is the Intelligence doing!? Can't you get anything from Sindhvan or any other country!?"

An intelligence officer, who was being interrogated by the senators, raised his hand.

"We have gathered information from the Sindhvan Community and the Divine Kingdom of Anubisius, but it's all so ridiculous that... it is non-credible."

In fact, the Intelligence Department also infiltrated various countries to gather information. Some of them had obtained the "Bessatsu Houjin" (separate volume of the Treasure Islands), but the military and senators were not informed of them partly because the top brass had simply dismissed it as 'absurd.'

"We found a book that seemed to contain some information about Japan..."

The Intelligence Department had brought the magazine with them in preparation for this meeting. The information was not reliable, however, and it was not clear whether it would be believed when presented.

"What is this thing!?"

"Y-yes. It is a book published by Japan for friendly countries and private citizens to compare weapons."

"Then doesn't it contain only illustrations at best?"

The senators were reminded of Western-style paintings from the Meiji era in Japan. This is natural for them, given their level of technology.

"It also includes... the vehicle's range and radius of action, as well as the effective range of the weapon... this is strange for the concept of weaponry as we know it."

The noisy senators looked at each other.

"What do you mean by strange?"

"As an example..."

The intelligence officer had purchased the book from a merchant in Sindhvan so that two people could look at it together, and began to distribute it to the senators. They looked at the pages of "Maritime Self-Defense Force Deployed Weapons" that had been opened.

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