First Meeting with the Catmen

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As always, I'm Kasami.

I was actually going to post this on the 17th, but instead of having to work, I got today off, so I'm posting it today. I will be absent again from the confrontation part for a while from here.

Please wait for the shitstorm that will eventually come...


November 25, 2026

Japan, Tokyo, National Diet Building

"Prime Minister! What on earth is the meaning of this!? The navy soldiers of the Neutrine Empire have murdered our people for so ridiculous a reason!? What is your response to this!?"

The Diet building, the center of Japan, was already full of heckling.

The large cargo ship Kii, which was carrying materials and food that were to be delivered to the port city of Levadad in the Sindhvan Community, was captured, all of its cargo was looted, and most of the crew members were killed. This was the first piracy and terrorist incident in post-war Japan since the transference (apart from the slaughter of a village in the southern part of the Republic of Francesca, which was the aftermath of a war that Japan did not recognize, and was caused by the Spernino-Italicia coalition).

The Speaker of the Diet called out. "Prime Minister."

"Our country will not back down from this incident. We will take appropriate legal action against the perpetrators. We are currently negotiating with the Sindhvan Community to set up a meeting with the Neutrine Empire at the Foreign Ministry. Until then, we can only prepare ourselves."

The opposition parties yelled at him further.

"That's it!?"

"They indiscriminately kill and maim our people, you damn weakling!"

But the Prime Minister glared hard at the assembly floor.

"That's rich coming from you. Isn't it you who usually speak out against military expansion and clamoring for reducing the armaments, but now you want to drag this country into a war? Shame on you! Our country will not abandon the possibility of a peaceful solution until the very end. War by its very nature is something that should never happen! Our country will make a sincere effort with undaunted determination toward peaceful negotiations and their conclusion!!"

The Prime Minister spat at them with such contempt, a far cry from the usual calm and unfettered man that even the most blood-lusted opposition members fell silent.

Japan is set aflame with anger against the Neutrine Empire, who had murdered their people not in war but for atrocious reasons. The nations that had diplomatic relations with Japan were horrified to hear that the mild-mannered Japanese could be so angry. They were counting the days until the Neutrine Empire will be destroyed like a monster movie shown in Japan.


December 15, 1740

Sindhvan Community, Capital Baletar

In Baletar, the capital of the country located in this world's equivalent of Bahrain, Guildmaster Rakherta was visiting the embassy of the Neutrine Empire at the request of Japan.

"After all this time, why that country suddenly does such a barbaric thing? If they knew the difference in power between Japan and us, they wouldn't have been able to do such a thing..."

"Master, I have some information on the matter. It seems that many in the Neutrine Empire consider Japan to be an affiliate or vassal state of the Yetisk Empire."

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