Arachne's Sanctuary

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Sorry for the delay.

Actually, my old computer had gone kaput, and as a result of replacing it with a new one, it finally arrived yesterday and I can use it today.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


January 20, 1745

Halidom of Ganeshade, Holy City Kanjai

More than a month had passed since the paratroopers raided the temple. A government-directed survey team from Japan and, for some reason, Hembu was standing there.

After explaining all the circumstances, Hembu was brought in with the permission of the Japanese government to investigate a place called "Sanctuary." When they first entered Kanjai, common Arachnes came out and tried to attack the Japanese delegation, but Hembu stopped them.

"Halt. I have spoken with Japan. I have decided that... Japan should be shown the innermost part of the temple. I will not tolerate any rudeness."

"B-but you can't possibly be courteous against heathens—"

"What, are you defying my decision?"

That one Arachne who was being glowered at hurriedly straightened her back and yelled, "N-no, it's not like that!!" and cleared the way.

Shin, who had followed as a diplomat, did not hide his surprise. Even the Self-Defense Forces personnel, who take their superiors' orders as absolute, could see from the look of surprise that this was an unusual situation.

"...Your influence is indeed amazing."

"Hmph. This is also a power bestowed by the Creator."


Hembu explained with a sigh.

"The Creator, it is said, had placed a sort of mark on those of my bloodline so that no other Arachnes can oppose me."

'...Does this mean that this entire race is genetically engineered to be subservient...? If it's true, that would be a crazy-advanced technology.'

As he was thinking, he noticed that the other Arachnes were looking at Hembu with surprised and curious eyes.

"I knew that Japanese clothes would stand out. But they are comfortable and very warm, and can be produced in large numbers. This is a cheat."

"This seems to have put a lot of strain on domestic designers, though..."

Speaking of which, Hembu now covered her upper body with clothing provided by Japan. They, who sheltered children and infants in the coastal areas, had approached the apparel industry to provide them with clothing that would fit them.

The apparel industry, which has made a variety of clothing for mermaids, Scylla, Lamia, dragonoid, and other demi-humans with unique physical characteristics, asked the designers to come up with a new line of clothing, thinking that one or two more will not be much different. Many of the designers, however, were not amused by this and were forced to make clothes in a very short time based on existing illustrations of the Arachnes and spider ecology in Japan.

Because there is no other choice, a major apparel company raised its hand and urgently called in designers from all over the country, both affiliated and non-affiliated, to discuss what was right and what was wrong, and they succeeded in creating clothes that would suit the Arachne, be functional and comfortable, and be easily mass-produced. However, it was the first time in a long time that the designers had worked under a strain, and many of them even asked for some time off.

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