At the Scylla Village

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Hi, Kazuhiro Kasami here.

I just bought Volume 5 of Summoning Japan!

La Kasami, nice! Very nice!


April 6, 2021

Prime Minister's Office, Japan

Having seized control of the South American continent, Japan had already begun to develop the infrastructure of each settlement. Perhaps because of the highlands and dense forests, this continent was not inhabited by giant vermin such as dinosaurs. This made it seem that settlement would proceed more smoothly than on the central region, but the environment of the dense forests, where information was difficult to obtain, was far more arduous than the Japanese had imagined. Fortunately, the locals were willing to help guide them, and they were able to quickly gather information on dangerous beasts of prey.

But they could not let their guard down. The discovery of an insectivorous plant (Japan named it "carnivorous plant") that could even swallow people, which did not exist on Earth, made for a very tense exploration. And at the same time as expanding its air power, Japan had begun building new types of escort ships. These were the Azuchi-class transport ships and the Fubuki-class frigates.


Azuchi-class landing ship

After the transference, Japan was faced with the need to transport large numbers of troops and refugees quickly and in large numbers during the war, and decided to build a new type of transport ship. The purpose was to greatly expand the capacity of the Ōsumi-class landing ship, which was capable of carrying 330 troops and 18 tanks, to 257 meters, the same as the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship that had been formally adopted by the United States.

As a result of improvement to the engines, various equipment, and data systems, the speed was increased to 25 knots, more than that of the previous Ōsumi-class. The Landing Craft Air Cushion has also been equipped with a new type of engine that has been newly developed in the past few years, and its landing performance has increased even more than before.

Two more ships of the same class are scheduled to be deployed, and their planned names are Azuchi, Odawara, and Edo. The ships will be named after huge castles in Japan, a first for naval vessels, since they are very large and have a much larger carrying capacity than previous helicopter destroyers such as the Izumo and Hyūga. In addition, because of the length of the deck and the fact that it is intended to operate on-board fighter aircraft in the future, the deck will be treated to resist heat.

Although it is a landing ship, its armament is adequate: 20 mm CIWS, SeaRAM, and a close-in SAM system.

Armament :

- 2 × 20 mm CIWS

- SeaRAM

- 2 × Close-In SAM system


Fubuki-class frigate

A frigate for coastal patrol purpose, which was decided to be built after Japan decided to claim the Central and South American continent and was forced to expand the scale of the Self-Defense Forces. It is built on the lines of the existing Abukuma-class destroyers, but has been equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. The six points of the change is the following:

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