The Looming Ones

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Just yesterday, I went to see the latest Hollywood version of Godzilla, which was very interesting and I feel good about it. I will post three chapters this month to announce and apologize for the deletion of the overview of this story that I had posted separately.

I have also decided to change some of the names of the carriers that were previously posted in the overview accordingly. Please wait for a later post for more details.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


June 3, 1738

Republic of Francesca, Capital Palin

Three months had already passed since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Japan, and the Republic of Francesca had made remarkable progress.

The goods exported from Japan are literally manifold. They brought with them a house that, by their standards, was sturdy yet multifunctionally capable, a power generation method that used natural energy similar to that exported to the Grand Lago Kingdom, an induction system that could heat without fire, high-quality paper processed with advanced technology, and writing instruments to fill it out, all things that completely overturned the 'norm' of the Republic of Francesca up to this point. The economic calculation officer has been excited every day since receiving technical assistance from Japan.

And the elven Prime Minister Christia had forgotten how surprised she was by the daily reports from her subordinates and was even feeling somewhat tired.

She spoke to her aide with a grin, "Thanks to Japan, our country is going to change a lot. For my part, I think these 'suits' are especially wonderful. It's a bit embarrassing that it shows so much of my body, but it's breathable and... it's very tidy."

Although she is 38 years old, the youngest of the elves, she is still in the position of Prime Minister, and she has been focusing on friendship with Grand Lago and negotiations with the kingdoms of Spernino and Italicia to the southwest. She is aware that Japan is a country with overly-advanced technology that would make the whole world not want to be enemies with it.

Japan is currently preparing to export its video technology and other products. It is expected that in a few more years, television will be available in Grand Lago and Francesca, which will further change the lives of the people in these countries.

"Yes, Prime Minister. Besides, we are currently testing and deploying a new weapon introduced from Japan in the southern fortified city of Girard, and it has been well received by the soldiers on the front lines, as it demonstrates capabilities unmatched by any previous equipment. With this, even if we are simultaneously attacked by Spernino and Italicia, which surround our country, we will not be easily defeated."

Christia looked out the window of the capital city, which is still under construction.

"Still, I would like to avoid conflict with Spernino and Italicia if at all possible."

"According to the Intelligence Department, the Spernino Kingdom has mobilized all its shipbuilders to build more ships, and the Italicia Kingdom is increasing its winged warrior corps. Whether these will be used as a diplomatic card or for an invasion is unclear... If we were attacked now, we would be able to prevent some damage, but we would still be crushed in the end."

The Spernino Kingdom, located to the southwest, is said to have a fleet of ships with the grandiose name of "Invincible Fleet," consisting mainly of ships-of-the-line with cannons capable of firing shells at a range of 1,5 kilometers as their main armament. The ships of the Republic of Francesca, on the other hand, have a large crossbow as their greatest weapon, and the only other thing they can do is to cut in close. However, at this point, it is believed that they will be destroyed before they can do so.

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