Another British Side That Transcends the World (Kind Of)

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This is the first chapter this month.

This time it's a sad (only metaphorical) look at the cabinet that has been forced to make another large-scale deployment.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Day 20 Month 5 Year 380 World Calendar

Barbarassa Empire, Capital Barbaronia

On this continent, which Japan calls the equivalent of Australia, there are two nations vying for supremacy. No, it is not correct to say that they are competing.

On one side there are the dragonoid and the lizardmen who aim for 'World' domination by using the dinosaurs, and the other side wants to help each other and live together in coexistence and prosper together as they did after the ancient civilization left. Naturally, they were not able to resolve everything through discussion alone, as they were less civilized.

In the midst of this, the dragonoid and lizardmen, who began calling themselves the Barbarassa Empire, controlled the dinosaurs and quickly expanded their dominion to the various parts of the continent... although they still only control about the northern half of the continent due to their lack of recognition. Moreover, they have yet to colonize the area.

The lizardmen have a short lifespan, which makes their cycle short and easy to increase, but for some reason the dragonoid have low fertility, which makes it difficult for their population to increase. Hence, the population ratio of the Barbarassa Empire is 8 to 2 in favor of the lizardmen. The population of 10 million is about twice as large as that of the Elmeris Kingdom, but most of them are lizardmen, who have strong muscles but short life spans.

In addition, the number of dinosaurs, their trump card, cannot be increased so drastically. If the number of heavy herbivorous dinosaurs exploded, it will be very difficult to secure food, and if it were carnivorous dinosaurs which increase in number, they will eat the herbivores and the people. Therefore, the empire had a plan to increase food production, and it notified commoners and slaves to increase food production in various areas.

Even so, the demand for food was still quite high, so carnivorous dinosaurs and some super giant dinosaurs (what the Japanese will call Brachiosaurus) were the empire's trump card among all trump cards. In other words, the Barbarassa Empire was in a situation where it had to maintain its trump card in moderation and make the other races listen to it with its existing strength.

In Barbaronia, the capital of the empire (located near Darwin in the northern part of old world Australia), Barbarassa XXI, the dragonoid emperor, was sitting on his throne, receiving a report from the Land General Gernia.

"What? A scouting party sent to the eastern shores disappeared?"

"Yes, My Liege. The 5th Cavalry Unit, which went out to scout in the eastern area, has not been heard from since the last report about a week ago. Perhaps they were attacked by the Elmerians."

"But our hobgoblin dragons (Deinonychus), when combined with their riders, can hold their own against a few soldiers, don't you think?"

Deinonychus was a carnivorous dinosaur that grew to more than four meters in length, slightly larger than a horse. It is said to have been a hunter with sharp claws, fangs, and quick movements to finish off its opponents. While its rider was attacking another target, the Deinonychus could kill and eat the enemy in front of them.

However, because of their training, they do not eat on the spot, but only when they feel that the fighting is over and they have permission from the rider to do so. This makes them an even more troublesome opponent for the adversary, as they are the only time when a war breaks out that the Deinonychus can eat a full meal, which motivates them to exert their high fighting power.

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