Being Too Cautious Doesn't Make Sense, But It's Hard to Discern

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This is the second chapter this month.

For the past few months or so, I have been reading various books in the Kojinsha NF Bunko series, and with each book I read, I am constantly reminded of how much I still do not know. I would like to remember to be humble and willing to learn.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Day 10 Month 6 Year 380 World Calendar

Elmeris Kingdom suburbs, Elmeris Airbase

Here, a runway was currently being extended to allow the operation of planes capable of traveling long distances. Fortunately, there was an ancient airstrip there, so the Japanese did the minimum extension work and other work such as installing a control tower and stockpile tanks. Infantrymen were helping out as much as they could, but in any case, the work was never finished, no matter how much they did. However, everyone was desperate because they had no idea when the Barbarassa Empire would invade this place.

For now, in order to prevent the dinosaur army from attacking, they had to remodel the city, where only wooden palisades have existed until now, and somehow build a stone wall. The SDF unit was also very busy because they had to be able to withstand to some extent the attacks of the troublesome heavyweight herbivorous dinosaurs.

Fortunately, they can find many stones a short distance away from the city, so they were brought in by truck and processed at once by the engineering unit, then solidified using adhesive materials brought from Japan. Although they would have preferred to use concrete or other materials, they decided to use a composite barrier combining stone and wood because the former was too difficult to bring here. Furthermore, they also instructed the natives on countermeasures that they could take now.

"In other words, as long as there is a stone wall, it will be possible to mount large trebuchets and throw stones from high places. Moreover, if a large number of medium-sized stones can be thrown by the trebuchets, it will be possible to inflict great damage on the infantry and the dragon cavalry."

Until now, they had not thought of installing stone throwers on the ramparts because they were all wooden fortifications and could not be loaded enough to install trebuchets. Although the trebuchets themselves were designed by the dwarves, the accuracy was poor due to the fact that they used fixed mounts from behind the walls. Moreover, the walls themselves were made of wood and were extremely fragile, and in most cases were easily breached by heavy dinosaurs.

Of course, they also use ballistae in addition to the trebuchets, but their processing technology for the larger strings was not yet mature, and they were deemed impractical. However, this was to be solved by the use of strong, shinny strings derived from natural materials processed by Japan.

Furthermore, Japan decided to build a composite wall of stone and wood to cover the city, albeit a simple one, so that they could mount trebuchets on it. In addition, the dwarves designed the 'Hōroku,' a ceramic pot filled with gunpowder and thrown by the Japanese, who had taught them how to make black gunpowder. Japan did not dare to teach them how to make a firearm, but the Elmerians know from ancient knowledge that the weapon used by the Japanese was a gun.


"Teach us how to make a gun or a cannon, even if it is primitive."

The government decided that 'since they know, it can't be helped...' after seeing a brilliant DOGEZA.

As a result, the Type 38 field gun (before modification), which would be reasonably easy to transport, and the (fake) Type 38 rifle and Gatling gun, which were not only used during the Pacific War but also used as hunting guns overseas after the war due to their high hit rate, were commissioned from the Grand Lago Kingdom to teach the manufacturing and operation methods of these guns. It was also thought that infantry pistols would also be needed, so it was designed to provide the old "New Nambu M60 II" used by the Japan Coast Guard by turning over part of the production line that had been producing them for the Grand Lago Kingdom.

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