Bombing! The Armies of Both Kingdoms Scattered in the Wilderness

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Than you for your patience. This is the first post of this month.

On a personal note, today my dad took me to Matsuwa for a meal this morning, and I was served a ghostly fried horse mackerel... My stomach is still in a bit of pain...

But it was delicious so that's the best lol.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


July 24, 1738, Early Morning

Republic of Francesca, about 5 km southwest of Girard

Here, about 60.000 infantrymen of the Spernino-Italician coalition army were encamped in an attempt to bring down the fortified city of Girard. Gusho, the lizardman who led the army, was having a hard time dealing with the Francescan army, which was showing a more solid defense than he had imagined.

"Hmm... I didn't expect that the long-ears and the dogs to give us so much trouble. We will attack again today, but... at this rate we will only suffer more damage."

Beside him sat the winged general, Siguenya.

"Yes, General. More than 20% of our winged warriors have already been killed or wounded. To be frank, Francesca's army is far more capable than ever before."

The arrows that fly farther than is possibly by their previous standards and shoot out with precision. The curved sword with a rippled pattern that even looks somewhat beautiful, and the unbelievably long spear, can easily cut through even the scales of a lizardman, which can repel an arrow fired from a curved bow. The combination of these with the high physical ability of the elves and werewolves, and the combat ability displayed in the defensive battle, was nothing short of a threat to the coalition army.

"The elves have good eyesight and can shoot fast when it comes to bows and arrows. If they were to be targeted by them, no matter how many lives they have, it wouldn't be enough. They are far more a threat than even a musket."

"So, what do we do today?"

Siguenya put her hand on her chin as she pondered, a gesture that is not common among winged people, who are not so good at thinking.

"It may be a far-fetched tactic, but how about we infiltrate from the basement while the diversionary force draws the enemy's main force away?"

It is unusual for winged people to make such a suggestion, since it is their racial instinct to soar in the sky. However, they must have thought that this attack on the fortress would not go down that well in a straightforward manner.

"Indeed. From now on, we should think about how to attack the fortress, including using tactics. How are the soldiers doing?"

"Yes. Except for a few guards, most of them are asleep. I think it's time to ring the wake-up bell."

"Yes, that's right. Have the Transportation Unit start cooking."

"Yes, sir."

The wake-up bell was soon rung, and the soldiers began to get up in droves. As a side note, both lizardmen and winged people are omnivores and tend to 'prefer meat,' and in fact, the livestock industry is thriving in both countries.

One of the soldiers was gorging himself on a stew-like dish of meat and vegetables prepared by the Transportation Unit. Another was clutching a piece of bread that had been baked and was emitting a fragrant aroma.

"Hm. The morale of our army has not waned yet."

"Yes. We have not lost the war yet."

Gusho and the others smiled when they see that the soldiers seem to be in high spirits. However, someone was watching them from behind a rock two kilometers away and downwind of them.

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