Weigh Anchor! The Launch of Yamato!

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This will be the first chapter of this month.

At last, the Yamato goes out to sea.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


April 1, 2029

Japan, Hiroshima Prefecture, Kure

A year had passed since the clash between the Halidom of Ganeshade and Grand Lago-Anubisius Allied Forces. Japan had decided that it had to show that it had the power to defeat them in preparation for negotiations with the Halidom, and was preparing for 'war.'

This was a week before this day. An article appeared on the internet news that said, "The Destroyer Yamato Will Set Sail on April 1 for a Mission."

Many thought it was just an April Fool's Day lie, but only a small group of enthusiasts, who had carefully cross-checked the information and found it to be true, gathered at the port of Kure. The place was already crowded with many military enthusiasts and anime fans. Some were waving the Rising Sun and the Japanese flag, others were taking pictures with their cameras, and still, others were dressed in costumes and standing in salute poses of the crew of "Space Battleship Ya**to."

The Yamato anchored in the harbor is very sophisticated. Although there were aspects of the modern destroyer and battleship that differed considerably in design, the Yamato had been given a modern appearance while still being recognizable as a Yamato by referring to old blueprints, photographs, and various other materials.

Twenty minutes before the ship's departure, Captain Sugo, who had been appointed captain of the Yamato, and the man who had been called "the Japanese Presley," took the stage.

The audience instantly fell silent.

"Aaaa~ Aaaa~ Aaaa~"

As soon as a feminine melody sounded, all the people in the port changed into the pose of clenching their fists to their chests. Immediately after the woman's melody ended, triumphant music began to echo. That song that sent of the great ship that had left for the Great Magellanic Cloud, 168.000 light-years away, began to play in the live voice of 'That One.' The Japanese people gathered in the venue listened to the song with tears in their eyes as they listened to the still energetic voice of the singer.

Immediately after the song ended, the Yamato let out a loud whistle. The crew quickly took up their positions in time.


Then, guided by a tugboat, the ship slowly left the wharf and began to move heroically and beautifully, almost as sophisticated as a modern destroyer in appearance, except for its three triple 46 cm main guns and 76 mm anti-aircraft guns. Then, the people cheered in unison.

"Have a safe trip!"

"Please come back safely!"

"Yamato, Japan awaits your return!!"

The cheers that echoed throughout the city continued until the Yamato was out of sight...

Later, off the coast of Yokosuka, the Yamato joined the 1st Escort Group, the aircraft destroyer Akagi, two Azuchi-class amphibious assault ships, and several supply ships, and headed for Kalkatak in the Halidom of Ganeshade. This scene was reported in the countries that had exchanges with Japan, and it is another story that people in various countries were stunned by the sheer excitement of the scene or, admired it.

The Neutrine Empire, the Grand Lago Kingdom, and others were astonished at the unity of the Japanese people in times of need, saying, "I've never seen a send-off with such a sense of unity..."

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