Wings of Water and Sky, US-2 In Flight

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Sorry for the delay! I took the bullet train to Kanazawa after work and finally got ready to post...

This time it will be a contact between the dark elves and the Japanese, so there will be no flashy scenes. However, for those of you who liked it, here is a flying boat that will make you grin.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


Japan Coast Guard Special Security Rescue Boat Sazankurosu

The special security rescue boat Sazankurosu, which is assigned to guard the Ogasawara Islands of the Japan Coast Guard, was standing by ready to deploy at any time when it spotted a suspicious vessel on its radar and received a report from a helicopter on patrol from the base that it was "going to check on an unregistered vessel." The report they received was, "We found a wooden vessel and it appears to be adrift."

When asked if a helicopter rescue was possible, they replied that it was impossible because the number on board exceeded 30 and the vessel was in bad shape from being exposed to the wind and rain. The Sazankurosu borrowed two vessels with the cooperation of the locals and headed for the area to rescue the castaways. There was indeed a wooden boat there as reported by the helicopter. The wooden boat was so old that it looked as if it could have appeared in a history textbook, which would give an idea of its antiquity.

Kitayama, the captain of the Sazankurosu, picked up the microphone on the loudspeaker to make contact.

"This is the Japan Coast Guard Special Security Rescue Boat Sazankurosu! Drifters, please raise your hands in reply! This is the Japan Coast Guard Special Security Rescue Boat Sazankurosu! Drifters, please raise your hands in reply!"

Then, a hand was seen extending slightly from the edge of the ship. Apparently, they are a language-enabled entity, just like the other countries with which Japan had established diplomatic relations.

"We will now proceed to rescue of the castaways. Please be careful not to frighten them."


The crew slowly boarded the ship from the Sazankurosu, which had been laid up next to the wooden ship. Since the ship looks quite damaged from exposure to the wind and rain, they took into consideration the possibility of the floor falling out. They found people lying helplessly on the floor of the boat.

"Rescuer in need!"

Checking vitals, many of them had only slightly weakened pulses. But even more obvious was their pale complexion.

"Scurvy...? Or dehydration...? Some of them could be fatal if we don't hurry!"

Upon receiving the report, Kitayama quickly transferred several crew members aboard and transferred them to one of the civilian vessels he had brought with him. Fortunately, the ship was a tourist ship and was large enough to carry more than 50 people, so it was able to accommodate all the extra persons on board.

"All right, one of you tow this wooden boat. There might be something important for them on board. We'll have to check on that later."

"Aye, sir."

The Sazankurosu led the way as the civilian ship had finished accommodating the people. The boat towing the wooden boat followed at the tail end. Kawakami, the team leader assigned to the internment work, observed their facial features and bodies.

"...They have dark skin, but they look like Europeans."

Tomizuka, a younger man, saw this and looked at him.

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