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Jiang Yun didn't sleep well this time.

In the dream, it was upside down and chaotic, sometimes it was the beautiful palace that wafted out the cold piano sound, and sometimes it was the deep and gentle voice "Does it still hurt?"

He had a rare dream of that palace, made of gold and jade, like a gorgeous cage, and had a name as beautiful as the moon palace in the sky, Guanghan Palace. When he was young, he eagerly looked forward to the end of his homework every day, and sneaked outside the palace to listen to the piano. The palace people said behind their backs that the queen mother is a demon concubine who can confuse people's hearts with the sound of the piano, and that she is a disaster sent from heaven to Jiangguo.

But he knew that this was not the case, he had seen him through the window, he was very good-looking, very elegant, and even had a fairy-like appearance, reminiscent of the moon in the sky and the white snow on the mountains.

The palace people did not dare to approach this palace, because anyone who approached would be sentenced to death by the emperor. But he is not afraid, because he misses his mother so much, even if he has never hugged him, never said a word to him, as long as he knows that the queen mother really exists, in that palace, he and Like the big brother, he has his own mother, so he is satisfied.

The screen flipped, and he seemed to hear the gentle and low voice "Does it still hurt?"

That was the first time he heard his voice and felt the strange feeling of being held by him.

That year, he fell ill with a high fever, and the imperial physicians tried everything they could to reduce his fever. As a young man, he felt the imminent breath of death for the first time.

Drowsy and tormented by ice and fire, he felt a pair of hands as cold as jade embraced his body, gently stroking the scars on his body, and asked: "Does it still hurt?"

The sound is as pleasant as fairy music.

He miraculously came out of the fever and woke up because he couldn't wait to see his face and tell him how much he missed him. But when he opened his eyes, there were only the anxious faces of the imperial physicians and palace people around him, not the figure he was thinking about.

Those hands, that voice, seemed to be just his illusion.

He was disappointed in his heart and refused to believe it. During his recuperation period, he lay under the bed tent, pretended to read a book, opened his eyes every night until dawn, and drove all the palace people out of the palace, hoping to wait for him to come again. But he never appeared again.

Maybe, it didn't appear from the beginning, it was just his illusion.

After recovering from his injuries, he still sneaked outside the palace to listen to the piano. As long as he could hear the sound of the piano, make sure that he was still in a certain corner of the palace and silently accompany him, he could still recover.

Because the Taifu said that as a prince, he is responsible for the country, the country, and the common people in the world, so he can't help and indulge in personal affairs. A prince who only knows how to miss his mother every day cannot become a great talent.

However, the picture in the dream turned into the fire after all.

He stood outside the burning hall with cold hands and feet, watching the palace guards rushing to put out the fire, and seeing his father rushing into the sea of ​​flames like crazy, he felt something in his heart, just like the white jade palace of words, being captured Burned to ashes. He knows, he'll never hear his music again

Jiang Yun woke up dripping with cold sweat, and stared blankly at the top of the tent for a moment before realizing where he was.

There was a familiar smell of blood in his mouth, he calmed down, opened his eyes, and found that there was a finger biting between his teeth.

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