Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)

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Ashanti- Girl I'm tellin ya! I hate Rose!!...Like bitch really?? REALLY??...I know you could've taken turns with Jack!..You selfish cold-hearted as hoe..Letting him die in that freezing as water after telling him how much you 'love' him...This is why I have trust issues...I'm tellin ya..You think you know a bitch..

Jazmin- Haha...Ash for the millionth time it's JUST. A. MOVIE.

Ashanti- I hate you...This is why I can't watch this movie but Miss Emotional over here wanted to watch it..*Shrugs

Jazmin- I love Titanic...It gets to me every time..

Ashanti- Okay that's it..No more Titanic and it's nonsense...What other movie do you want to watch?

Jazmin- Um...How about the notebook?

Ashanti- WHAT!?..You're killing me here! ..

Jazmin- What's wrong with that movie??

Ashanti- Only about EVERYTHING..

Jazmin- Thats not true.!

Ashanti- Oh please...Name one scene where you don't want to cry your eyeballs out? I'll wait..

Jazmin- I can name a few actually like for example..

Suddenly the phone rang interrupting me as she turned away to answer.

Ashanti- Hellooo?

Amy- Watcha doing?

Ashanti- Why you call me private??

Amy- Oh my phone died and I had to barrow some girls phone to call you..

Ashanti- So you are somewhere out there borrowing strangers phones and leaving my number in them?

Amy- Well when you put it that way..It does sound a bit creepy but this is my first stranger she is being kind enough..

Ashanti- What do you want Amy?

Amy- I'm at the skate park I was wondering if you wanted to come by..

Ashanti- What are you doing there alone?

Amy- Well I wasn't technically alone...

Ashanti- What do you mean??

Amy- *Blushes...I was with Jean..

Ashanti- Who is that?

Jazmin- What is she saying!?

Ashanti- Shh!!..I got tea..

Amy- Who is there with you?

Ashanti- You were saying?

Amy- Was that Jazmin?

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