Chapter 26

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I don't make Luke talk about his past anymore, I know that I already pushed too far. But I was glad that I finally knew some stuff about him, I felt like I knew him so much better than before. 

"So it's your turn to tell me about you," he says after we are done kissing.

I knew he was going to ask about it and I was dreading it. I haven't told anyone here about my past and I really didn't want to, but it was only fair. I sigh and close my eyes, bad memories immediately flood my mind and I'm forced to open them in order to escape the visions. 

I begin to tell him about how my dad has been an alcoholic basically my whole life. He started drinking uncontrollably about a year after Bradley was born, so I was 4 years old. Throughout the years I didn't see much of him and I never understood why my parents would be yelling all of the time. When I was 11, my dad started to abuse my mom. He would never do it in front of us but I would see my mom with bruises all over her. I first saw him hit her when I was 13. They were fighting because he hadn't been home in a week. Bradley and I would always sit in my room and listen to the fights. I would try to block it out for us both but it never worked. I suddenly heard her scream and walked out of my room to find him beating her. I tried to stand up to him, and that's when he slapped me in the face. 

From then on I was terrified of him. The three of us lived in fear of when he would come home. The times that he did come home, he would beat my mom and yell at my brother and I for hours. He hit me two more times after that, luckily he never hit Bradley. 

He left us for good when I was 14. He came home more drunk than I had ever seen him. Him and my mother got in a fight and he threatened to kill her and himself. I wanted to help her so bad, but there was nothing that I could do. He hit her for the last time and finally walked out, taking nothing but our fear and his alcohol with him. We haven't seen him since. We don't know if he's dead or alive and honestly, I hope he died a long time ago. He was never my father.

My mother has raised us both alone ever since. She has worked her ass off to get us where we are now. It was horrible on her, but she was never happy after Bradley was born. None of us know what made him go crazy and I don't talk to her about him. She was broken for a long time and it killed me to see her that way. I did as much as I could to help her, but nothing will ever put her back together. She has never tried dating because of her fear of finding someone exactly like my dad. 

After he left, we moved to a different house a few minutes away. None of us could stand to live in that house that was full of such bad memories. She got a job in sales for a large company and worked her way up to the top. She did so well that she got offered a job here, they needed someone as good as her for the same company. When I found out we had to move, I was crushed. I had found friends that I came to love and I would just have to up and leave them. 

"So that's how I got here," I say as I end my story. I wonder how long I was talking.

"I'm really sorry Allis," he says as he takes me in his arms. I know that is all that he can think of to say because I was also speechless after his story.

Actually speaking to someone about my past again feels overwhelming. I despise the memories that have surfaced my mind again after these past few years. I try to supress them like I always do, but it's no use. I feel the tears coming but I hold them back. I know I am a strong person and crying will not prove that to anyone.

"Thank you for telling me, I can't imagine how hard it must be to talk about it," he says after a moment.

"It's easier than it used to be, since I've only told about 20 therapists," I say as I try to laugh.

I suddenly notice the pink and orange sky and realize that the sun is about to set. We have been here for hours and I was completely oblivious to the time passing. 

"Like I said, this is my favorite place to be. It reminds me of all the times I used to watch the sunset with my parents and brothers, reminds me that there used to be good times," he says as we both look at the large sun sinking into the red ocean. 

"It really is amazing Luke, thank you for sharing it with me." I smile and kiss his cheek before digging my face back into his chest. Even though I'm around him a lot, his scent still overwhelms me like it's the first time I smelled it.

"I've never showed it to anybody else so you should feel pretty special." I can feel him smile into my hair before he kisses me head and gently runs his fingers through my hair. "Let's go home," he says after the sun has finally disappeared. 

We are the only ones on the beach and he lifts me up in his arms before standing me up and kissing me softly.

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Hello lovelies!

Sorry that these last two chapters were kind of boring and that I've been updating kind of slow. I had to give a little background on the both of them and I've been super busy! I'll try to keep updating more often and it's going to be getting pretty good soon :)

I hit over a thousand and I'm just in shock! You guys are awesome and I love you all. Please give me feedback, I love to know what you're thinking!

Thanks so much for reading!


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