Chapter 58

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Allis's POV

Too many things were on my mind at the moment, which meant I would not be getting to sleep anytime soon. Luke had actually fallen asleep first so I couldn't rely on him to help me fall asleep. I slowly crawled out of Luke's arms and got out of bed. I took my phone off of the charger and left my room as quietly as possible.

I sat at the bar in our kitchen with a cup of water and dialed the first number that came to mind.

"Hello?" The voice answered after the third ring.

"Hey Ben," I said quietly. It was 3 in the morning here, which meant it was 12 in the afternoon in the U.S. 

"What's up? Why are you awake, isn't it the middle of the night over there?" He asks.

"Yeah," I let out a small laugh. "I couldn't sleep and I was wondering if I could talk to you about some things."

"Of course," he said. He didn't sound like his usual self. He hasn't for a while now. "What's going on?"

I proceed to tell him all about my mom's new boyfriend moving in and, more importantly, the surprise visit from my father. He was angry and in shock which was the most emotion I had gotten from him for a while now. 

"So has he come back yet?" He asks.

"No, not yet. I'm hoping he won't but I will never know what to expect from him now."

"I wish I could be there for you, I hate this," he says sadly.

"I know," I sigh into the phone. "It'll be okay though. I know that my mom and Luke will protect me."

"Yeah..." He trails off. His usual response when I bring up Luke.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Anything," he says back.

"Why do you dislike Luke so much?" 

"I don't, I ju-" 

"I know you don't like him Ben. Everytime I bring him up you get quiet and annoyed and you've barely talked to me ever since I started dating him," I cut him off.

He hesitates before speaking again. "He just bothers me. I know that I don't know him but I just really don't like him. I didn't like the way he treated you and I still don't like him from that," he finally answers. I feel like there is something he is holding back, but I don't ask. 

"Yes, he treated me bad at the beginning. But I explained to you why he did. And now he treats me great and I love him. I just wish that you would be happy for me like I always have been for you." I stop talking but he doesn't say anything. "I just hope you start to like him soon," I say after a moment of silence. "Because he asked me to move in with him."

"He what?" He snaps. I hadn't told anybody about Luke's question yet.

"He asked me to get an apartment with him, just last night."

"Well are you going to?" He asks a little quieter this time.

This time I hesitate before I answer. A few hours ago I had no idea what my answer would be. Honestly, I was a little scared of the question. We hadn't been dating that long and we haven't even graduated high school yet. But I've done a lot of thinking and I now know the answer. "Yes, I am going to move in with him." This sentence brings a smile to my face.

He sighs into the phone and I know that he isn't happy. "I just hope you know what you're getting into. But I should probably go, good luck with your dad." 

Before I can even respond, I hear the line go dead. Why was he so upset about this and why did he hate Luke so much? If he was being a better guy and making me happy, it shouldn't matter. I really didn't understand what the big deal was, but it hurt my feelings to know that he couldn't be happy for me just this once. 

Ben had been my best friend since fifth grade and he had never acted like this when I had a boyfriend. Of course I had only had one serious boyfriend before now, but he still didn't act like this. He was actually friends with that guy at the time that we were dating and we would even go on double dates occasionally. Yes, he didn't know Luke, but why did that matter to him so much? There had to be another reason for his anger and I needed to find out. Since he probably wouldn't be talking to me, I'm not so sure how I was going to find that out.

I sigh and shake my head to get rid of the bad thoughts. I needed to get back to the bigger deal at hand.

I'm moving in with Luke. 

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