Review #38: Dear Mister Bully

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First Impression: I love the idea behind the story, especially since it brings awareness to bullying. Great work

I like the idea of the letters, and I like how they are short, perfect for a short read. You have great at evoking emotion through the letters, and I can really see myself in the main character's shoes. I love the message behind this story, and it's great that you wrote this story. Some minor things: the signature for each letter, I don't know if it's intentional, but you write "Love me." Shouldn't it be "Love, me" ? Also, I found a spelling error. You spelled choked as "chocked," so you can fix that when you go back to edit. Other than those small things, I love this story!

Remember that these suggestions are just my opinion, and this is your story, so make sure to write it the way you want it to be! If you don't agree with any of my suggestions, then ignore them :)

Payment: read one of my stories (completed)

Lastly, please comment below a rating of how helpful this review was for you (out of 5 stars). Be honest, it will help me! Thanks :)

- bluecrayonlady 

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