Review #64: Bonded

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First Impression: cool cover, captivating summary

WOW... I loved the first chapter. I love how you start in the middle of a scene filled with action because it sets the mood for the whole chapter. You have great descriptions and ending with a cliffhanger was great. I totally was not expecting that. There's not much to say since you only have one chapter, but if you continue writing like you did, this story will turn out great!

Overall, this story is great so far!

Remember that these suggestions are just my opinion, and this is your story, so make sure to write it the way you want it to be! If you don't agree with any of my suggestions, then ignore them :)

If you are feeling nice, I would greatly appreciate it if you give one of my stories a read, follow me, or give me a shoutout! If you enjoy making art, I would love for you to make something for one of my stories, and I will post it! Message me if you have any questions.

Lastly, please comment below a rating of how helpful this review was for you (out of 5 stars) Be honest, it will help me! Thanks :) 

Don't forget to vote for this chapter if you enjoyed the review!

- bluecrayonlady 

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