late nights and baby names

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"What about Janella Rey?" I ask, as I wrote the name down on my notes.

"That sounds cute," Leigh laughed "or even Liza. Short for Elizabeth of course." she smiled.

"So when exactly are we planning on getting a baby?," I laugh " I mean I don't mind wheather it's next week or in a years time to be honest."

"Well I thought it would be great if we could go see the Doctor tomorrow? I wanna surprise the shits back home."

"Well we can't come back without souveneirs can we?" I laugh.

"And then if you want we can penny board our way around LA. A few beaches around here too, even a starbucks along the way."

I smiled, "That'd be great. But," she paused " if we get a boy can we name him Alexander?"

Leigh brought her fingers to my nose and pinched it, "That's such a cute name," she laughed "just like you."

"And you'd be a great mother." I smile, pecking her on the cheek and writing down my other name suggestions.

"Hey can we do something?" she asked.

"What's that?"

"Can we just lay down and recount all those conversations we had last year. I just want to fall asleep with the memories floating everywhere." she smiled.

"Depending on where you want to start," I laugh "do you remember when you freaked out." I laugh.

"About what?," she laughed "I forgot that."

"I asked you for your number so I could finally hear your voice. And you were all like IDJSJSKSJS NONONOJ."

"Hey," she pouted "you're over exaggerating."

"Ok fine I am but why did you do that in the first place Ms. OMG WHAT REALLY?!"

"It's because I thought you'd remember my voice and it would ruin my whole surprise. I wouldn't have gotten the award for best comeback either." she smirked.

"You and your dirty mind," I laugh "you should wash it out with soap!" I bark jokingly.

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