#5• Simon Imagine

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Requested: minterreads

Theme: Happy and Fluff

Warning: None


Courtney's Pov.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

My alarm clock being the first thing I hear in the morning. It was 8:30 and usually I would sleep in but I had to go meet the Sidemen at the football field.

I rolled out of bed groaning loudly. I already had my soccer clothes and gear out so I dragged myself towards the shower.

I turned the water on and as soon as the water hit my skin I was slowly waking up more and more. The boys wanted to record a challange video with me and I couldn't say no.

Even more time to spend with my amazing boyfriend. Simon Minter. I hummed in a daydream thinking about him. He was the best boyfriend I could ever ask for.

I had to meet them there at 9 o'clock to film videos on a different persons channel. I hoped out of the shower, dried myself and quickly got changed into my sporting outfit for the day.

I didn't bother with make up because I was going to be getting sweaty anyway. I tied my long hair up into a messy bun and quickly brushed my teeth.

The field was a 10 minute drive and I was running a little late. It was 8:55 but oh well. I grabbed my keys and started the journey to the Sidemen boys.

I had to resist the urge to stop and get a coffee since I was already late. I pulled up into the grounds and saw them in the distance.

I got out of the car and they become more clear the closer I got to them. From where I was I could see JJ being the mad man he is, was chasing Simon. Josh practicing his kicks while Tobi was in goal.

Vik, Ethan and Harry were setting up the recording equipment. Gosh these boys were crazy but I loved them to death.

Simon's POV.

My football shoes slammed onto the grass while I was running away from JJ who was trying to tackle me. I look up and see my girlfriend Courtney.

She looked more beautiful every time I see her, I don't understand how that's possible. I stop in my tracks and stare at her beauty.

Suddenly JJ tackled me as I landed on the ground in a thud ripping me away from my thoughts. I rolled my eyes as he cheered.

I got up and jogged over to her as I kissed her cheek as I know the boys don't like me and her to stand there kissing even if it does sound good to me.

Everyone got together and we had a small chat about what we were doing as I gripped Courtney's waist protectively.

First was my channel. We decided to do a tag team crossbar challange. Courtney and I paired up as the other got into pairs.

JJ went with Vik and he started to complain about being put with Vik because 'he couldn't play very well' JJ's words not mine.

We turned on the camera, did our introduction and Courtney and I started first. The fans loved having her in our videos. They always loved her. I mean what's not to love right?

Courtney and I started to do the challange and on the first and 3rd try we did it. So we were 2/3.

Everyone else went and there were many sarcastic comments, cheesy puns, bad kicks, good kicks and laughs.

Everyone had there goes and our team won. I hugged and kissed her on camera and we did a celebration dance.

After that video we decided to do another boys video of with the sumo suit that one of the boys brought.

I grinned knowing this was going to be fun. There was two suits so Courtney and I put on one each. We both stood in the goal ready to run like a penguin cause of the suits.

Tobi was the first to kick at us. I had blocked his shot. Next was Ethan and Courtney saved it. Then Josh, we both ran for the football as fast as we could and we both tried to dive missing it completely.

I was laying on my back in the sumo suit and tried to get up. I groaned when I couldn't. I heard Courtney mumble curse words as she was stuck as well. We both looked like turtles on their shell on camera.

We both started laughing at one another while having a great time.

Courtney's POV.

We had successfully filmed videos on everyone's channel and I was exhausted. Simon came home with me because he wanted to cuddle.

Once we got there we both quickly showered and got into comfy baggy clothes. I yawned, wanting to dive into bed already.

"Are you going to edit babe?" I asked Si knowing that he may want to. He shook his head tiredly.

"No I just want to cuddle and watch movies. The editing can wait." He mumbled.

I grinned at his cuteness when he was tired. I turned off the light and got under the covers with Simon. I grabbed my laptop and put on a random movie knowing none of us would stay awake.

Simon wrapped his arms around my waist as he dragged me closer towards his body heat. I turned on my side as I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head into his shoulder.

We only got half and hour into the movie when we both agreed to go to sleep. I put it away and went back to cuddling my amazing boyfriend.

"Goodnight babe,"

"Goodnight Minter,"


There you go Courtney I hoped you liked it xx.


Make sure to comment, I love it when you do, vote and request imagines.

Also you can request more than one imagine but I have to have done your 1st request already. xx.

Thank you❤✌

Published: 25.7.16

Edited: 6.9.17

☆Sidemen Imagines and Preferences☆Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ