#31• Tobi & Simon Imagine

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Requested: TumblrCalumxoxo

Theme: Happy and Sad

Warning: None


Katelyn's POV.

"Hey Kate I was thinking, you know how you have never met the Sidemen boys yet? I've told them a lot about you and they want to meet you?" Tobi asked kindly.

Tobi and I had been dating for a while but I had never seen the Sidemen yet, only ever heard Tobi talk about what they did on some days. They all seemed lovely so of course I agreed.

Tobi jumped up and down smiling as he hovered over me since I was quite short compared to him. I asked when he wanted to go and he said we could go now, and again, I agreed. I walked up the stairs in no rush as Tobi texted them.

I went into the bathroom for a quick shower and got out after 5 minutes. I put on my black skinny jeans, black converse, band T-shirt and snap back.  I slipped on my glasses that I needed over my blue eyes.

I brushed out my long curly dirty blond hair thinking about whether the boys would like me or not. I'm sure we should get along. Tobi made them sound pretty interesting to me.

"You ready Kate?" Tobi hollered up at me from the bottom of the stairs. I grabbed my phone and raced down the stairs meeting him with a smile.  He smiled back and we walked out the door, locking it behind us.

We jumped into the car and he said it was a 15 minute drive, I spent most of it looking out the window thinking about random things and scenarios. The drive flew by and we were both soon standing outside the Sidemen's massive house that they all seemed to be in at the moment by the noise.

I laughed to myself, wondering what they could possibly be doing. They already seemed entertaining, hence why they do YouTube.  Tobi and I walk hand in hand up to the door, I went to knock but Tobi had just opened the door and walked in dragging me along. 

It smells like popcorn and I saw a group of mixed boys on the couch and floor with video game controllers. Tobi cleared his throat and they all whipped their heads in our direction. 

I scanned their faces but my eyes landed on a certain bright blue ones. He was staring into mine as well, shock written on our faces. Simon!

"Oh my god, Kate? Is it really you?!" he asked using my nickname. my jaw was hung open and I didn't answer. 

"Yes, Si, it's me!" I say using his nickname. I can't belive he's been here this whole time! We run up to each other as my heart swells with love and my mind floods with memories.


I cried my heart out, and clamped my arms around his neck not wanting to let go. We suffocated each other not wanting to pull apart. We sobbed into each others shoulders.

I stared into my older brothers blue eyes, he was 12 and I was 10. We knew this was going to happen, our parents were sad with each other and got a divorce.

Now, we have to separate and live with one parent each. It isn't fair. We promised we would keep in touch but how long will that last? I didn't want to lose Simon.

"Hey, Kate it's going to be okay, we will meet again one day and be happy as ever! I promise," He said tears down his face.


My eyes water, he kept his promise. I lept into my brothers arms as he hugged me tightly as if I would disappear. I could never forgot those blue eyes.

"I missed you so so much!" I whimpered. The others stared at us confused as ever especially Tobi. We broke apart from our brother and sister moment, I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I found my brother!

After a long discussion to everyone about everything they understood and the rest of them were really cool and funny. We agreed on all watching Netflix together.

Tobi picked the movie and I was having the best day ever. All this time Tobi had been going over here, making videos with them he was with my brother but didn't even know it!

All I had to do was watch a video that he was in and I could of found him. But that doesn't matter now, he's back and my life feels complete with everyone I love back in it.

I cuddled up on the couch with Tobi as the movie started. The rest of the boys were on a different couch or the floor which held a lot of  blankets and pillows. The lights were out and the only thing giving light to the room was the TV.

Tobi wrapped his arm around me securely, as I sunk deeper into his warmth.

"This has been quite an eventful day hasn't it babe?" he whispers in my eyes and I chuckle quietly because it's the truth. I nod, it definitely has. I'm glad it happened and worked out.

"Who knew I was dating my best mates long lost sister," he thought to himself as I rolled my eyes playfully. He kissed my cheek and I felt my face flare up with heat.

He kissed me once more and we continued to be wrapped in each others legs and watched the movie with everyone. My eyes flicker to Simon and he seemed happy and I knew I was. He didn't break his promise.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx


Also, it's SCHOOL HOLIDAYS NOW! YAYY! anyway over only got one more request after this so I don't know what I'll be posting unless you guys want to request some to keep my busy over the holidays. xx

Published : 18.9.16

Edited: 13.9.17

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