#106• Simon Imagine

871 27 6


Requested: ×××

Theme: Sad

Warnings: Anorexia, self confidence issues, swearing


Y/N's POV.

His hand held mine and everything seemed perfect. Everything was perfect. Simon and I were strolling along the pathway down the street for some sunshine. I smiled brightly and the beautiful day and my handsome boyfriend.

"Oh ew, move you fat trash." A man commented while slightly shoving me. A hurt expression quickly gathers on me face. Simon heard and quickly grabbed the guys jacket.

"Dude what the hell? You can't go around calling people names and bumping them? My girlfriend is not fat, she is perfect just the way it is and if you have a problem with h-" Simon raised his voice and was making a scene.

So I quickly jumped in the middle to calm him down.

"It's okay Simon. Calm down. He is probably just having a bad day," I smiled to show that I'm okay and that the strangers word didn't effect me. But that wasn't true.

I had them in the back of my head. It hurt. I never thought I was fat, I always saw myself as skinny or at least average. But what if I was?

I looked into the window mirror with my big blue eyes and saw my reflection and for the first time, I frowned at it. Fat? Maybe? Simon and I continued to make our way to the ice cream shop, our original destination.


Was the name of the shop that selled every flavour and topping. Simon and I loved to go there. We went to the front and Simon ordered his usual.

"And what would you like this time babe?" He asked smiling at me. I went to say mine but stopped myself. Maybe that man was right.

"Nothing, I'm not really hungry," I lied. Simon brushed it off and paid for the order. In a matter of 10 minutes we were at home and I told Simon I was going to get changed.

I went upstairs, undressed and put on a pair of long pants to cover my long legs. At first I hesistated to take out the scale, but I did anyway. I weighed myself.

Same weight I've been for years. That was average, maybe even below. But it could be better, I told myself. I threw my dark blonde hair into a bun and slipped on a shirt.


9 days had passed since the stranger commented on my weight. 9 days had passed since I stopped eating, or only ate an apple or some yogurt. 9 days had passed since I started losing weight.

Simon hadn't noticed yet. He had believed every lie so far.

'I'm not hungry'
'I already ate'
'I'm feeling sick'

"Hey Y/N you want to go have some breakfast out together?" Simon asked me with a cheesy playful grin.

"I'm sorry Si. But I'm going to the gym,"

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