#17• Simon Imagine

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Requested: care_bear2326

Theme: Sad and happy

Warnings: None


Sophie's POV.

I remember that day perfectly when everything changed. We were both so happy and our relationship was going strong.


"Hey baby!" Simon chirped at me in the morning as we woke up side by side together. His blonde hair seemed even lighter in the sun and his morning voice was gorgeous.

His arm wrapped around my waist pulling me in closer to him. I laughed at him glad that he was all mine. I jumped on to him, my legs either side of his torso.

His large soft hands rested on my thighs as we both sat there in our pajamas. We were both smiling until he seemed to start going into a deep thought.

"S-Sophie, I want to tell you something and I hope you support me in this," he stuttered in a nervous tone. What was he going to say?? I nodded my head slowly motioning for him to proceed.

"I want to go away for the army. You know it's always been my dream to do that and I know we are strong enough to get through it. If your willing to stay with me?" Simon announced.

I knew this had been on his mind lately and truth is I didn't want him to go because I knew I would miss him and it was dangerous.

"Of course I'll stay with you. Forever and always!"

----------End of flashback--------

That was 2 years ago. He hasn't come home yet and it's starting to become unbearable. I write to him everyday and he writes back when he can. He talks about how he is and how much he misses me.

It hurts not being able to see him like I used, I go to sleep alone and wake up the same. I love him and I'm just counting down the days till he gets home to me.

Just 4 more painful months. I've been crossing off each day getting closer and closer. He's half way around the world protecting our country and I'm so proud of him for following his dream job.

It  was midnight right now for me as I stayed up in bed thinking about him. It was only early morning for him and I don't know if he's awake or not and if he is I hope he still thinks about me.

I miss him so much...

Ugh! I roll around trying to get some sleep as I brush my long ombre brown hair out of my face and snuggle into Simons pillow. It's lost its smell of him but I sprayed his cologne on it sometimes when I need a reminder of him.

After tossing in turning for while in Simons old shirt which I had started wearing to bed, I fell asleep dreaming of when he comes home.

~~~~Time skip to the morning~~~~

My brother Josh had called me at around 10 this morning wanting to pick me up and take me out. We have been spending a lot of time together and he's helped me so much with getting through this time without Simon.

I don't know where he wanted to go but I needed to go, for a distraction. I got out of my clothes and jumped into the shower for a quick wash. After I got out and dried myself off. I took out my messy bun and brushed through my long hair.

I stared back at myself in the mirror through my ocean blue eyes. I slipped on my underwear and bra then grabbed a cute black and white stripped shirt that was knotted at the front.

I then grabbed my light blue overall and put that on over the top. I brushed my teeth and slipped on some socks and my light blue converse shoes.

I heard a honk and knew that Josh was here. I grabbed my bag and jogged down the stairs and out the front door.

I saw his car and him waiting for me. I got inside the passenger seat and we were off.

"I just need to make a quick stop at the airport. I need to pick up an old friend who's staying with me for a bit," He said smiling.

I nodded my head and stared out the window watching the trees zoom past me. We pulled up to the airport and we walked in.

"So what's your friends name?" I ask looking around.

"Um, Adam," He glanced around the people that had started to come in from a plane that had just landed.

"He should be on this flight!"

I looked with him at all the people that were scurrying to there family. I saw familiar blonde scruffy hair and tall slightly muscular body.

I dropped my bag as I saw him. For the first time in 2 years he was here. His eyes met with mine and he smiled widely as tears came to both of our eyes.


Happy tears ran down my face, we didn't break eye contact as we both started to run to each other. He was here. He was finally here. I jumped into his arms and couldn't contain my happiness.

It was him in the flesh, he was back. He held me tight and didn't let me go. I cried happily into his shoulder. He hasn't changed too much and neither have I.

"Your so beautiful. I missed you so much. I love you!" He adored. I missed hearing that from him. His voice, his words.

"I missed you as well. I love you to, so so much!" I cry.

I got off of him so I could see his face. Oh god, I missed this so much. We stayed together for 2 years. That took a lot but I did it cause I love him.

He cupped my face with his hand and smashed his lips to mine for the first time in forever. I kissed back immediately, remember all of the kisses we had shared, now there can be many more.


There you go Sophie I hoped you liked it ❤


♥Next is another Simon imagine♥

Published: 13.8.16

Edited: 6.9.17

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