#10•Simon Imagine

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Requested: h_lavigne

Theme: Sad, Angry, Happy

Warnings: Swearing


Hannah's POV.

"SIMON ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!?" I shout pulling at my blonde hair.

"YES I AM! WHY WOULD YOU GO AND DO THAT TO ME!??" Simon shouted right back.

The Sidemen house was filled with us two screaming our lungs out at one another while the other boys tried to get us to stop. We were both too furious to listen.

Simon had his phone in his hand showing a picture of me with a guy who I kept saying he was just a friend but he didn't believe me.

It was so frustrating! He wouldn't listen to me.

"SIMON FOR THE LAST DAMN TIME HE'S A FRIEND!" I groaned getting tired of this stupid argument. Simon rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"JUST ADMIT YOU ARE CHEATING!" He dared to say that to me? Josh ran in and tried to get us to stop but soon got told to stay out of it. The boys watched in horror. It was rare that Simon and I fought.

"What are you trying to say? I'm a slut?" I questioned. When he didn't answer the room fell silent as my heart slowly crumbled. That's it. If that's what he think I'm gone.

Tears sting at my eyes and beg to fall but I keep them in until I turn my back on all the boy and run upstairs. I grabbed my phone and my bag and started to shove some clothes in.

I heard someone storming up the stairs and knew it was Simon. I picked up my bag and started to walk downstairs when Simon grabbed my wrist.

"Where are you going? To that guy I bet?" He accused. What the hell? I ripped my arm out of his grip and storm down the stairs crying while grabbing me keys.

"Hannah please don't go. Simon is just jealous and doesn't want to lose you!" Ethan said trying to keep me from leaving. I sniffed back a sob and looked at all the boys that have been like family to me.

"He should of thought of that before." I ended the conversation and walked out the door, jumping inside the car. I see Simon running out the door but I ignore him and zoom out the drive way.

I try and drive properly although my vision was blurry from crying. I wiped my tears and my running mascara as I parked outside a hotel. I walked inside with my bag and saw an old lady in a tight uniform at the counter.

"A room please for a night," I say politely trying not to show how upset I am. She smiles sympathetically at me as she types something into her computer.

I grab out some money and hand her how much she needed then she gave me the key. I thanked her and ran into the elevator. Once upstairs I found my room number and quickly unlocked it.

I threw my bags on the floor, slammed the door shut as I was finally alone. My body shook as I cried loudly. I slid down the white door holding my mouth to keep quiet.

I heard my phone go off as I looked at the caller ID. Simon. I ignored it and muted my phone wanting to block out the world. If Simon only would of let me explain myself we wouldn't be in this mess.

I bet you he's probably happy without me now. Since I've been holding him back and apparently been 'cheating on him'. I never did that but again he never let me explain the crucial part to the story.

I was out with a guy friend but he is gay but I didn't get a chance to tell Simon, he kept interrupting me.

I got up off the floor and washed my make up off my face in the bathroom before jumping into the clean white bed sheets. Soon I was asleep trying to forget the events that had occurred.

//Time Skip//

I woke up and wanted to go back to sleep to ignore the problem but I knew that wouldn't get me anywhere. I rubbed my hazel eyes and looked at my phone.

My eyes widened. I had 28 missed calls from Simon and heap of texts, and a few from each of the boys. I read but didn't open some of the boys messages.

He can't be without you.

He's a mess with you. He hasn't stopped crying.

Please come back. He needs you.

Simon loves you and he is blaming himself for everything at the moment.

Please forgive Simon and take him back.

Hannah...gurl get ur ass over here we all miss you!!

I giggle at JJ. Always been the crazy one. I know how Simon feels because I feel the same way. I wouldn't be able to live without him. I pack my stuff up and head out of the hotel and back into my car. I begin the short drive to the Sidemen house.

I park outside and take a deep breath trying to build up my courage. I slowly make my way over to the door. I take another deep breath and knock on the door. Josh answered it and instantly hugged me.

"He hasn't come out of his room, please talk to him. One of your friends told Simon that the guy was gay and that Simon shouldn't of accused you of cheating." Josh whispered in my ear as we hugged.

I thanked him and made my way up slowly to our room. I creaked the door open and see Si against the wall with his head in his hands. I assumed his eyes were puffy just like mine were.

I crept up to him trying to be quiet. When I sat down next to him his head shot up to meet mine.

"Hannah I'm so sorry for the entire t-" he started but I kissed his lips already forgiving him.


There you go Hannah hope you enjoyed it xx


Another request done. Next will be a Harry imagine.

Published: 29.7.16

Edited: 6.9.17

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