#102• Simon Imagine PART 2

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Requested: paigetaylor__x

Theme:  Cute/slight smut??

Warnings: smutish (not really)


THIS IS PART 2 TO IMAGINE NUMBER 85. Smut was requested for this but I don't do smut so I tried my best to try and do suggestive smut? If that makes sense. I also recommend going back to read part 1. Read to the end please.

"I thought I did, I tried to hate you, but I couldn't. Seeing another man's hands and lips on you made me snap, only I'm allowed to do that for now on." He pecks my cheek and goes to walk away. He stops and turn his head around.

"Oh to answer your question I'm watching a horror movie. Want to join?"


I walked behind Simon, up the stairs and into the bedroom. We both laid down comfortably on the bed with a gap between us cause I was a little awkward. Simon was watching The Haunting, a horror movie just like he said. He played it the movie. A few minutes into it he turns to me

"You know I'm not going to bite?" He chuckles and puts his arm out for me to move into. I wasn't used to this side of him. It was strange but I liked it. I moved into him and our bodies were pressed against each other.

His arm was over my shoulder and I leant my head on his chest. The first thing I noticed was how good he smelt, the second being how comfortable he was. We continued to watch the movie in silence.

The music on the film heighten and I felt myself hold a breath. I was never really good at horror movies. Just as the possessed man jumped out I jumped as well. I shrieked and unconsciously hid into Simon's chest. I heard him laugh.

"Aww that was so cute. You scared?" Simon asked while smiling. I nodded my head. He turned off the movie, it was nearly done anyway.

"You want to go and grab a milkshake?" Simon asked as he looked at me. I smiled, I could go for a milkshake. I nod and get up out of bed and slip on my shoes.

Only five minutes away was a milkshake shop so we decided to walk there. On the way Simon grabbed my hand. My heart jumped and I grinned. 

"So tell me a bit about yourself Y/N, I think it's only fair that I get to know my wife," Simon says cheekily. I liked this side of him.

"Well, there's not much to tell, I graduated highschool with a scolarship and went to study an art degree despite my parents wishes. Then I was told that I was going to have an arranged marriage, now here I am, you?" I said trying to keep it short.

"Hmm art degree, that's cool. I also got a scolarship to play football, I went to university and become captain. Then I was told I was going to have an arranged marriage." He says slightly mocking my sentences.

I laugh and roll my eyes. We end up going more in depth about each other and I learnt a lot about him and he learnt a lot about me. We sat at a table and ordered out milkshakes as we continued to talk.

I felt myself liking Simon. He would sit close to me and I would get butterflies, he would touch my hand and I would blush. Everything he did I started to fall in love with. Is this fate's plan?

I was starting to love Simon.

Just as we continued to share stories I hear my name being called. I looked over and saw James, he had a nasty bruise on his cheek but he still smiled at me.

"Hey James!" I get up and hug him, I can see Simon scowling in the corner of me eye. I motion for Simon to be nice. He stands up but doesn't move after that.

"Simon this is my gay best friend James, James you know him," I make a point to mention his sexuality so Simon wouldn't hold a grudge.

"Wait what? He's gay? But he completly made out with you!?" Simon said confused. I felt myself grinning but I tried to hide it.

"Oh yeah no, that was to get you jealous. Guess it worked, considering you punched me," James says still obviously hung up on the punch.

"Oh, sorry about that," Simon says awkwardly. James smiles and wrapped his hand around my waist. James had always been a little cheeky and liked to push peoples buttons.

He did this just to make Simon jealous  again. We all knew what James was doing. Simon rolled his eyes, and grabbed my hand.

"We should get going. Bye," Simon says pulling me away. We walk back home in silence and I he looked angry and jealous. I couldn't help but feel slightly scared.

"Why did you play me like that Y/N. It wasn't very nice, and why do you let him touch you like that. Only I can," Simon seethes as we walk back into the house. I follow him upstairs and he turns to me as we get to the bedroom.

"I'm sor-" I go to apologize but something stops me. His lips roughly go onto mine as he kisses me. I'm taken aback but soon return the kiss. Simon's hand are on my lower back as he leads me onto the bed.

His lips go down my jaw and onto my neck. He leaves small love kisses across my neck as I pull at his hair. He hits my sweet spot and I let out the softest of moans. He takes note of this and sucks on that spot leaving a mark.
He pulls away and looks at the hickey.

"Now he will know you're mine," Simon says in a low sexy voice as he starts to unbutton my shirt.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx


Published: 21.10.17

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