#24• Tobi Imagine

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Requested: brooke_penguin

Theme: Happy and Funny

Warnings: None


Brooke's POV.

"C'mon babe let's get ready for the day," Tobi smiles at me and we jump out of bed, starting the day up. I grabbed a pair of sport clothes from my wardrobe and walked to the shower. 

I undressed and turned on the warm water and let it run down my sore back. The heat soothed my skin as I washed my body quickly. It was 8 in the morning and we had to meet Jed and Manny at the soccer field at 9.

I only took 5 minutes until I got out and put on my clothes. I brushed my long wavy ombre hair and put my glasses on that I needed and brushed my teeth. I slipped on my football boots that I've always loved.

Tobi walked into the bathroom already dressed and I'm assuming he had just grabbed all of the recording equipment. We were all going to record a video for their channels so it was definitely going to be a fun day. He put on his snapback and I did the same.

"Ready Brooke?" He asked while pecking my cheek. I nod and follow him to the car. I jump in the front seat and notice the cameras and tripods in the boot.

"Let's go!" Tobi said smiling widely and started the engine and starting driving to the football fields. We were a little bit early, it was 8:48 but they seemed to already be here.

Manny and Jed jogged over to us and helped pull out everything from the boot of the car. We set up and had 5 soccer balls. We hadn't even started recording and Jed somehow managed to hit Manny with the ball. 1st fail of the day.

"Omg Manny what are you doing on the ground?" Tobi says laughing since he hadn't seen what had happened to his brother. He rolled his eyes and got up.

Tobi pressed record as we all gathered around the camera sitting on top of the tripod.

"Hey guys! It's Tobi and I'm here with my amazing girlfriend, Brooke, my little brother Manny, and my mate Jed! Today we will be split up into two teams of two and be doing a simple cross bar challenge!" He spoke.

I grabbed the football and kicked it around while he talked. I megged it through his legs and I laughed as Tobi groaned. I got it on camera! Yayy! Manny and Jed started laughing, this was going to be a great video.

I'm on Tobi's team and Jed and Manny are on a team. Jed decided to have the first kick and completely missed. He put his head down in shame and walked off but laughed it off. Next was Tobi's turn and he missed slightly.

We all had a go and all missed. It was harder than it looked. Manny suprisingly hit the crossbar first.

1-0 to them.

Straight after the hit Tobi had managed to get it. After 15 minutes of playing it was 3-2 to us. We were winning. Jed went to hit the ball with a massive run up but somehow managed to trip over his own feet.

He fell into the grass and laid there dramatically taking in the shame while we all lost it behind camera. Tobi being the kind hearted person he is helped him up and we continued with the video.

Manny had one last turn, If he got it then Tobi and I would have a go to break the tie. If he missed then we would win. He aims at the target and runs up and smashed the ball with his foot.

Poor football...

Magically, Manny had hit the crossbar. The next thing it came back off of the bar and hit him in the head knocking him to the ground. Again we all started laughing our butts off.

My stomach started to hurt and I got a stitch from laughing. Jed was laughing so hard no sound was coming out and he slapped his leg like a seal while Tobi was dabbing in front of the camera.

We helped Manny up as he swore and rubbed his head.

"On the bright side of things...It's a tie!" Manny smiled proud of his shot although it backfired...literally.

I laughed at my stupid pun and continued with the game. Tobi and I had one shot each to hit the cross bar and we win or it stays a tie. Tobi did a run up and sadly just missed it.

It was my go and I had to try and hit it. I took a deep breath and lifted my football boots out of the grass and started running up to the ball. The spikes gripping at the green grass.

My boot connecter with the ball and it went flying, right into the crossbar! I cheered and jumped up and down. Tobi ran into the view of the camera and lifted me up and started kissing my lips.

I giggled and celebrated as Jed and Manny stood there with their mouth wide open. They slow clapped it out for me as I sarcastically bowed. I did a queen wave to the camera but then started laughing with the boys.

Tobi walked up to the camera with a wide smile on his face and we all huddled together catching our breathes.

"Okay thank you guys for watching I hoped you enjoyed all of our fails and make sure to subscribe to these guys channels!" Tobi said energetically then put his hand on the lens and turned the camera off.


There you I hoped you liked it xx


Can everyone please go back to my last chapter! At the start I said an authors note that I could like you to go and comment on xx

ILY ❤❤❤

Published: 27.8.16

Edited: 10.9.17

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