#64• Simon Imagine

1.6K 35 5

Requested: Penguinssssss22

Theme: Angry Sad

Warnings: Swearing


Summers' POV.

My legs dragged themselves towards my house after a long tiring day at work. All I wanted was to go home and cuddle with my boyfriend Simon. I take my key out and unlock the door which seemed to be harder than it usually is.

Gosh I'm so hungry.

I dropped my bag and took my shoes off and walked into the kitchen. I swing open the fridge door and scan for something to eat. Nothing. Empty. I glance around and see dirty dishes dumped in the sink.

Empty packets of food on the benches and a full bin. I close my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose. You've got to be kidding me. I cleaned up all of Simons mess which was the last thing I wanted to be doing right now.

After I was done I would be lying if I said I wasn't annoyed. This is the 5th time I've got home tired and had to clean up after him. I walk up the stairs and see him sitting at the desk playing Fifa. I knock on the door and he looks at me few a millisecond.

"Hey babe," He puts his attention back onto the game. Of course.

"Simon can we talk...now," He would usually say later but once I said 'now' he paused his game and turned his red chair to me.

"Yeah what's up?" He says completely oblivious.

"This is the 5th time this week I've had to come home exhausted and clean up after you! Please! Clean up your mess, I'm not your maid," I say trying to keep out the annoyance in my voice but failing.

"Summer I've got work to do, sorry I can't just drop everything and clean." He stands up.

"And I don't!? Simon I've been working all day and I shouldn't have to come home and clean up after you!" I raise my voice only a little.

"Don't start with that shit. It's just a few dishes. You need to calm down and get off my back!" He raised his voice to almost a yell. I lost it after that.

"DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN SIMON! IT'S NOT MY JOB TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOU! BE AN ADULT AND DO IT YOURSELF!" The venom in my voice was noticeable a mile away. Simons eyes flashed red in anger.

"WHY IS IT SUCH A BIG DEAL?! YOUR ALWAYS ON MY CASE, YOU'RE SO CONTROLLING!" Simons fists clenched by his side, we were both fuming by this point. How can he be so inconsiderate?!


"WELL MAYBE IF I DIDN'T HAVE SUCH A SHIT GIRLFRIEND THIS WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM!" He bellowed. That hurt, I'll admit but I didn't let my guard down.

"THEN WHY DON'T I JUST LEAVE THEN?!" I yell already wanting this fight to be over but my pride getting the best of me.

"GO! I DON'T CARE!" Simon pointed out the door. I stood back as if those words physically hurt me. All my anger was replaced by sadness. That's all it took for him to give me up so easily?

"Fine, I will..." I turn around hiding the tears which were begging me to escape. But I didn't let them. I walked out the door and into our shared bedroom. Ignoring all of the memories that were on the walls and in every inch of this house I grabbed a big black suitcase.

I shoved one drawer of my clothes into the suitcase not even caring what I was packing. I grabbed one of my hoodies completely ignoring Simons SDMN jumper that I always wore.

I shoved the hoodie into the bag. I go to grab some of my jeans but a hand grabs onto my wrist stopping me from packing anything else.

"Please, don't go. I-im sorry I didn't mean what I said..." Simons voice cracked, without even looking at him I knew he was crying. I pulled my arm back and continued to pack.

I zipped the suitcase shut but the same hand reached for me and spun me around forcing me to look at him. His eyes were already red and tears was glistening on his soft face.

I could feel my own tears falling down my face and I didn't even try to hide or wipe them away.

"Don't go. I need you, please baby don't go. I'll clean my mess up I'll do anything. Please just stop crying, I love you, please stay..." Simon was begging, which never happened. When our eyes latched I knew I cracked.

I sighed heavily. I nod and drop the suitcase. Simon let out a breath and started crying more his arms wrapped around me pulling me into the tightest bear hug.

"Thank god, don't ever scare me like that again, I can't lose you," Simon didn't let go of me and I didn't want him to either. He kissed my forehead and held my head against his chest resting his head on top of mine.

"I love you so much Summer, promise to never leave me no matter what I say?" He whispered as if someone was in the room to hear.

"I love you to, I promise I will stay," I smile to myself knowing he cared and I had this much of an effect on him. He kissed my head again silently praying and thanking god.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx


THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR 85K I've gained like 4K over a week!?💖💖

Published: 7.5.17

Edited: 14.9.17

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