#38• JJ Imagine

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Requested: Emzzie16

Theme: Romantic, Happy, Fluff

Warning: None


Emily's POV.

I was so excited for today. I got to watch my best friend live his dream. He loved being on tour and performing for all of his fans. JJ was definitely a wild man and you were lucky to be his best friend for years. 

His show was in half an hour and he gave me front row tickets like usual. It can get a little overwhelming when there is so many girls who love him but I'm also one of them. I've got a massive crush on my best friend.

So clichè I know but I can't help it. He's so sweet, not a lot of people see his cute side but he has one. I snapped out of my thoughts and got ready quickly brushing my long ombre wavy hair.

I slipped on my dark skinny jeans and my dark boots along with it.  Then my colourful arsenal shirt went on as I was happy with my clothes I went to the bathroom.

I decided that I didn't need high heel since I was 5ft 5 in the front row. I applied some of my natural make up. Just foundation, concealer and a few other things. The only thing that really stood out on my make up was my bold lips that was Kylie Jenner lip kit.

I quickly drove to the show and didn't have to stand in the big line because the security knew I was with JJ. I took my place at the front row as people slowly came in. It seemed like there was millions of them just before the show was about to start.

JJ ran out screaming energetically getting everyone pumped and I smiled seeing him having fun smiling.  His eyes connected with mine and he sent me a wink as I rolled my eyes while smiling.

The show went on and it was nearly finished and everyone was loving it screaming his name. He stood still and raised the mic to his mouth and shouted over the crowd and then everything went silent listening to him.

"Hey everyone thank you so much for being here and supporting me! But I would like to ask my best friend Emily to come up on stage with me!" He said looking at me the entire time.

What was this boy planning?  The security lead me on stage as the crowd cheered. It was quite hot on stage with all the lights and I could barely see the millions of people with their phones recording.

"Emily, you have been my best friend for years and I've been keeping a secret from you..." He says into the mic. I stare at him confused as I wait for him to continue.

"I'm madly in love with you. I don't know if you feel the same but I love you, so much. Will you be my girlfriend?" He says into the mic hope on his face as I'm frozen in shock but soon grin and nod my head frantically running into his arms.

He catches me and spins me around as the crowd scream in approval. I couldn't stop smiling, it seems like a dream right now but I knew it wasn't.  My dreams of his asking me out never felt this good.

JJ thanked everyone for coming and that was the end of the show as we ran off the stage hand in hand. JJ had no meet and greets after so he decided to take me on a romantic dinner.

The night was still young so why not? He took me to a place I couldn't even pronounce but it was very pretty. This was by far the best night I've ever had with JJ.

We both took a seat and ordered food, we were both starving so we embraced the delicious food and each others company.

"And how long have you been planning this mister?"I ask taking a sip of my drink keeping eye contact. He smiled to himself and looked down then back at me.

"Well, I've always wanted to ask you out ever since I met you. I thought you were the most beautiful girl and I knew how I felt about you but I thought you didn't feel the same. Tonight I decided that if I never asked I would never know. I'm glad I finally asked you." He said smiling grabbing my hand. 

I blushed to myself, thinking how it all seemed too good to be true. My crush liked me back? How often does that happy? We ate making many laughs and I wanted to cherish the moment and take a picture.

After the amazing dinner we got back into JJ's car and drove to his place which I've been to so many times. We got inside the warm comfy house and cuddled up on the couch popping in a movie.

Our phones were blowing up with notifications on twitter. We looked at them and I saw thousands of videos of JJ asking me to date him. Heaps of tweets approving and shipping us, it just made me smile so much and I saw JJ smile as well.

I could definitely get used to this. I curled up beside JJ as the movie started and the lights were out. I rested my head on his chest as he played with my wavy ombre hair, twirling it in his fingers. 

I slowly felt my eyes shutting down as the memories of today kept replaying in my mind. It was definitely one of my favorite tours that I have been on with him.

I couldn't stop smiling the entire time. This has only been day one and I can't even begin to imagine what the rest of my days with him will be like.


Hey I hoped you liked this imagine 😊❤❤


Thank you guys for everything. I have reach 18.4K read on this!! Thank you so much. Ily ❤❤❤

Published 13.11.16
Edited 16.9.17

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