#97• Simon Imagine

942 21 2


Requested: kiansclouds

Theme:  Sad-Happy

Warnings: Swearing, slut shaming


Izzy's POV.

Simon and I cuddled up to each other on the couch as we watched a movie together. My phone went off signalling a text message. I pulled away from Simon to see who it was from.

Him. Again.

I opened the messages from my ex-boyfriend Callum. I saw all of the previous text messages that he had been sending me the entire day.

Izzy, I knew you were a slut I just didn't think you were that bad.

Don't ignore me.

You should of told me you've got a new boyfriend. Simon is it?

You're so pathetic.


That was just some of the many text messages that I've recieved. They all started yesterday when Simon released his video of us doing the boyfriend, girlfriend tag.

We have been broken up for a bit over 7 months now and he's dated two other girls in that time but I'm a slut for dating Simon? Callum just got mad because I didn't tell him I had a new boyfriend and moved on. It's not like its any of his business.

I've blocked his number but he got a new one so I've stopped trying. Right now I'm trying to just ignore him and enjoy my time with Simon.

I put my phone back down and it goes off again. I ignore it. Simon gives me a weird look as if 'are you going to answer it?' But I shake my head and smile. Then my phone starts to ring. I groan and grab the phone.

"I'll only be a minute," I say and walk outside to go and talk to who I already know it's going to be,Callum.


"Stop ringing me Callum. We've been over for nearly a year. Leave me alone!" I whisper-yell making sure Simon wouldn't hear. 

"So? Doesn't mean you can go and date other guys without telling me! You can't just go whoring around with other guys!"

There was absolutely no point in trying to argue with him. So I hung up and put my phone on silent. I take a deep breath and walk back inside smiling. Simon sees me and smiles.

"Who was that?" He said while I sat back down next to him and cuddled up to him.

"Just one of my old friends," I lied. I didn't want Simon to worry. So I've been trying to hide it from him. So far, so good. The rest of the night we watched the movie and I fell asleep on Simon. 


I woke up to the smell of pancakes and I grinned. I sat up and knew Simon was in the kitchen. My phone was still the same place as I left it. I grabbed it to look at it.

23 messages and 12 missed calls, 7 voicemails all from Callum. I rubbed my head as I didn't want to be dealing with this first thing in the morning.

"You okay Izzy?" Simon worriedly asked. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah just woke up that's all," I stood up and the smell of pancakes became stronger. I walk into the kitchen with Simon on my heels. I help Simon cook the rest of the pancakes. I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket which I ignored. But Simon could hear it.

"Is everything okay Izzy? I know somethings up. You've gotten so many missed calls and texts. Are you ignoring someone or?" Simon asked standing next to me.

"It's nothing," I lied trying to smile convincingly but he caught me.

"Izzy..." I sigh and drop my shoulders and smile.

"You know my ex that I told you about?" I say giving in to telling him. He nods.

"Yeah well, ever since the boyfriend girlfriend tag came out he's been calling and texting me non stop. Being really mean and calling me all these things." I confess to Simon. I take out my phone and open up the text messages.

I had Simon the phone and I see him scrolling as he reads all of them. He looks up at me in shock and hands me back my phone.

"Izzy, you shouldn't be dealing with this nonsense. Let me help you okay? I don't want him talking to you like that," Simon says worriedly. I nod my head and wrap my hands around his waist. He pulls me into my chest and we just stand there hugging each other.

"It's going to be okay," Simon reassured me and I already felt heaps better. The moment gets ruined by phone going off again with another call. I groan in annoyance.

"Here, let me answer it." Simons says with his hands out. I give it to him and Simon walks outside so I can hear him and answers the call. I sneak around the corner cause I wanted to hear.

"Yeah suprise bitch! It is Simon congratulations you're not as dumb as I thought you were, now leave Izzy alone because she don't want any of your nasty ass and you don't deserve any of her fine ass."

Thats all I managed to hear until I walked off laughing my butt off. Simon is literally just sassing and roasting him out. I've never heard Simon let out his inner diva. I love it.

A few minutes later Simon walks back in smiling sweetly at me. I ask how it went.

"Don't worry he won't be bothering you again. I sorted it out," Simon kissed my cheek.

"Thank you so much Si, now let's talk about that fine ass of mine?"


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤❤


I actually really like the ending

Published: 8.10.17
Edited: 10.10.17

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