#11• Harry Imagine

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Requested: mrswroetoshaw

Theme: Sad then Romantic

Warnings: None

(Mention of divorce, skip if you don't like that topic)

Mia's POV.

I laid in bed crying my eyes out because of my parents. They had finally gotten a divorce. After many years of them fighting they finally cut the knot leaving me a mess.

I didn't know what to do. My family is now officially broken and I feel like it's my fault. I brush away my brown hair away from my matching brown eye.

Harry was out shooting a video when I received the news, he knew how much this meant to me and I can't handle things at the moment.

What if I had to pick a parent? What if one stopped seeing me? What if they were enemies?

A million stressful thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to clear them but it was useless. I didn't know how to fix this disaster and I didn't know what to do.

I cried into my pillow but soon jumped when I heard the door open. My boyfriend Harry walked into the room and sat on the bed next to me understanding completely why I was crying. He hugged me tightly and I cried on his shoulder.

He whispered soothing things into my ear that made me smile but I couldn't keep my mind off of what was making me sad. Harry jumped up off the bed with a small grin on his cute face.

"C'mon babe, get up we are going to the beach." he announced. I usually loved the beach and my tumblr outfit would look cute with the beach but I wanted to stay inside and die in self pity.

I groaned as Harry dragged me out of bed and I eventually gave in. My face was still tear stained as Harry kissed my cheek trying to cheer me up. He grabbed his keys and my hand, sending a small shiver up my spine like always.

I smiled to myself just thinking of Harry. We got into the car and I was already a little bit excited. It was about 5 o'clock when we arrived there and then scene was just beautiful.

The waves crashed softly against the hard rocks and the water was crystal clear and had a reflection of the sunset. The sand was perfectly flat and looked untouched. Not to mention the beautiful sun that was slowly going down and made the sky turn many colors.

I stared in awe at the beach.

"It's beautiful," I admired.

"It is beautiful," he hummed. I turned to look at him but saw that he wasn't looking at the sunset. He was already staring at me and I blushed. I sent him a wink his way and he smiled widely at me.

"Race you there babe," Harry yelled already running off. I shrieked and took off running, Harry still being in front. Harry ran into the waves and I stopped not wanting to get wet. He splashed around but stopped seeing as I wasn't getting in.

"C'mon Mia, have some fun!" He told me. I shook my head knowing the water would be cold. He took a few steps and got out of the water.

He walked up to me and before I had a chance to realise what had happened he had grabbed my legs and flipped me on his back.

My head was near his lower back as I screamed. I slapped his bum trying to get him to put my down but he only laughed. He took steps into the ankle deep water as I struggled to get out of his strong grip.

It was no use, he was now quite deep and immediately threw me in as I held my breath. I felt my body go instantly warm and wet. I rise to the surface to find Harry laughing like a drunk hyena.

I smelt the salt sea water and I was much closer to the sunset. It really was magical. I splashed Harry with the warm water as he closed his eyes and mouth.

I giggled as he did the same thing back. I jumped at him and I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. He held my waist there in place as we stared into each others eyes.

I heard a man shout from the distance standing on a wooden deck with a box in his hand. I noticed the boy to be Tobi and I laughed noticing he had a pizza box in his hand.

He put it on the deck then ran off. I smiled knowing that Harry ordered the pizza for our dinner at the beach. I looked back at him to see he has a sly grin on his face.

"Did you order pizza Haz?" I asked him already knowing the answer. He shrugged his shoulders trying not to give it away but then nodded while laughing at me.

What would I do without Harry? He always knew how to cheer me up. Whatever mood I was in, he could handle. He knew how to make me smile and enjoy life and for that I'm very thankful for.

I was still clinging onto Harry as we both leaned in slowly to kiss each other. Our lips connected and I instantly forgot about all the sadness of the day on focused on this moment.

I melted myself into the kiss, I deepened it showing my passion and he kissed right back. We were like two combined shadows in the sunset that was finally happy together and couldn't be pulled apart.

I don't know how I managed to get a guy like Harry. The days seemed magical with him.


There you go Mia I hope you liked this Imagine xx♥


Also I may only be able to post one other imagine today because I've got school in a couple hours and straight after school I have a workshop that finishes at 9 o'clock. I'll try and get the next one done for you guys xx

Published: 29.7.16

Edited: 6.9.17

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