#58• Manny Imagine

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Requested: glitt3r_crystal

Theme: Cute, happy & Romantic

Warnings:  None


Also apologies I don't really know the rules to this game xx

Crystals' POV.

I could hear the crowd cheering our team name from our room number 214. That's where we were. I could feel the adrenaline and my nerves pump through my veins as I warmed up.

I tied my short black frizzy hair in a high pony tail. 5 minutes till game time. Our team captain, and my boyfriend, Manny started to give a motivational speech before our Sunday game began.

A man came in and told us to start lining up, and get ready to run onto the football field. We played our Sunday League football game today. Our team was ready to run out and start kicking the ball around. 

Manny came up behind me and gave me a good luck kiss which I gladly accepted. He was so sweet. We were wearing our team shirt. The tunnel we were waiting in was dark but since I was short Manny loomed over me.

I heard our name get called out and the crowd started cheering. We ran out waving. It took a few seconds for my dark brown eyes to adjust to the bright lights.

10 minutes later and the whistle was blown.

I got possession of the football and had great control over it. I dodged a member from the opposing team and kept the ball rolling across the green grass. I swerved the ball around another played and we were a few meters from our first goal.

But there was 2 guys coming in. I looked around and found Manny a few meters to my left. He was open. I made eye contact with him and booted the ball to him with great accuracy.

Manny quickly got the ball and got a clear shot into the goal. I cheered and he ran up and hugged me in victory. He lifted me up and spun me around as I giggled happily.

"Great team work babe," We both grinned at each other, gave each other one last kiss before going back to our starting positions. It was the middle of the day and the sun was beaming down harshly on us but we continued to play.

A few players were sat on the sideline from the heat and dehydration. The whistle blew again and the game continued.

This time the other team had the ball. One of their players, the one who had the ball, was coming straight for me. He was much taller than me, a lot of people were though.

He ran with the ball and went to fake side step me. But I already knew what he was doing and flicked my foot in between his legs kicked the ball and nutmegged him. 

I heard him grunt in frustration and effort. I ran with the ball and kicked it to one of my team members who scored a goal.

2-0 to us.

Manny jogged over to me and handed me a waterborne. 

"Wouldn't want you getting too hot now would we Crystal?" He laughed as I drank the water, the cool water refreshing me. I thanked him and handed it back where he drank the rest.

Half and hour later we were winning but not by much. One more goal and we would be tied. It was 5-4 to us. Manny was in goal. He was always really good at goal. No one I have ever met was better at goal than him.

There was 10 minutes left to the game and we just had to hold them off or score some more goals.

I sat down on the sideline for a break and I just wanted to enjoy watching the game for a little while.

The other teams captain had the small yellow football at his feet. He got through all our players so it was just him and Manny at goal. The ball soared towards the goal but at the last second Manny caught it. He saved it.

I stood up and cheered very loudly for my boyfriend. He smiled and winked at me. I blew him a kiss and he caught it. I grinning happily, I love him so much.

5 minutes left and we were still up by one. The game seemed to sped up very quickly and we nearly scored 2 goals but they scored one making us tied. Manny got taken out of goal and in centre field.  Whoever scored next would win.

1 minute left. Manny ran as fast as the wind with the ball. He was like a rocket flying across the field. A blur. 30 seconds left and he had dodged all of their players. Now all he had to do was score.

He lifted his leg as the 10 second countdown started. Everyone started roaring the numbers.

"9" I bit my lip as I saw sweat on his forehead in determination.


Manny kicked the ball. The goalie dived. 

"5...4" The ball glazed the fingers of the girl in goal.

"3" The ball was flung into the net and gave us our win. The buzzer sounded and I ran onto the field smiling widely. Manny ignored all of the congratulation that went his way and went straight to me.

He ran to me and wrapped his arms around my body and lifted me off the ground. I squealed in delight and kissed him multiple times. We won, he scored the winning shot. My winner.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx



Published: 2.4.17
Edited: 15.9.17

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