#37• Manny Imagine

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Requested: skyisbooo

Theme: angry then cute

Warnings: Swearing

Sky's POV.

I hated having to keep this a secret from them. I always told my older brother Josh everything. Manny was the same with Tobi. But Manny and I both agreed to keep our relationship a secret because Josh would freak.

We have managed to keep it from them for nearly a year and I love Manny, I really do. Sometimes I just wish I wouldn't have to hide my feelings for him when we are around people.

Right now we were all sitting on the couch watching a movie and I sat away from Manny to avoid suspicion. Josh was next to me and I wanted so badly to cuddle up with Manny and not have to fake my true feelings for him.

"Hey boys! Who wants NANDO'S!" Simon shouted getting everyone's attention. All of the boys except for Manny and I shouted a yes. We both wanted to be alone.

Everyone goes to get up and starts grabbing their things while I stayed seated. Josh saw me not getting nor Manny so he gave us both a look and paused.

"Do you guys want to come?" Josh asked looking at us both.

"I'm feeling a little sick." I say while faking a groan. He looks slightly worried so he must believe it. He softly kisses my forehead and said that they all would be back soon.

The boys all left and Manny and I had the house to ourself for the first time in a while so I was going to take advantage of it. We both started to cuddle up on the couch and sparks ran up my arm as I touched him.

My lips attached to his soft pink ones and they melted together perfectly. We were both so unaware of our surroundings, too lost in each others touch.

"Sorry I forgot my k- WHAT THE FUCK!!"


I jump away from Manny at the sudden shouts that filled the room. I saw a furious Josh and a suprised Tobi.

SHIT....They both know!

My heartbeat raced as fierce flames flickered in Josh's eyes.


Tobi still hadn't said anything until just now.

"Can't you see they are happy?" he slowly whispered to Josh still staring at us both silently. At least he's taking it better than Josh and understands how we feel.

"NO HE ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER. HE'S GOING TO BREAK HER HEART!" Josh screamed loudly at no one in particular. I backed away, this is why I didn't want him to find out about our relationship. He just doesn't understand that Manny loves me and he would never hurt me.

Tobi gave us both a small smile and turned to Josh again.

"Josh, your sister obviously loves him. I know Manny, he's my brother, he wouldn't hurt her. He doesn't date random girls, he cares for her. And you know your sister. Sky would never date a guy she didn't love. She's smart and happy with him," Tobi said wisely.

I'm so glad Tobi was here. His words were so true and I saw Josh's face soften. His shoulders went down and his face wasn't as red as before.

I let go of a deep breath and didn't even notice that Manny had grabbed my hand for support. Josh looked at us both.

I was leaning into Manny's chest him being taller than me. Our hands clamped together and staring back at him.

Josh let out a soft sigh and ran his hand through his black thick hair. He walked up to both of us and the rest of the sidemen had piled in to see what was taking so long.

They all stood there frozen watching what the scene looked like and started putting the pieces together in there heads. Josh walked up to both of us looking back and forth between me and him.

"Manny...If you hurt her you're dead. But I see that you do love her and I guess...that you guys are kinda cute so...proceed." Josh stalled looking at the room avoiding eye contact.

"How long have you guys been together?" I heard Harry yell out.

Manny quickly replied saying that we were nearly at one year together. Everyone's eyes widened. They all made there own comments all being suprised of how we managed to keep it a secret for such a long time.

Tobi then walks up to us both and doesn't say anything. He pulls us both into a big family hug. I hear Manny whisper a 'thank you' into his brothers ear.

I smiled finally happy that we don't have to hide our relationship anymore.

The rest of the boys came up to us and congratulated us saying different comments.

"I always knew...always!" Harry said.

"Get in, use protection!" Smirked JJ

"Congrats, you guys are shouting Nandos now!" Simon grinned happily.

"I'm so happy for you two!!" Vik hugged us both.

"Manny you're lucky Josh didn't snap your neck. Doesn't it feel good to be alive?" He laughed at his own words.

Manny and I couldn't keep our smiles off of our faces. They all know now and accept it. This is all I've ever wanted.

To be able to kiss him whenever I wanted. To hug him if I wanted to. To cuddle with him. To be close and wake up next to him without worrying if the boys saw us or not.

Manny and I hugged and soon felt multiple arms wrap around us. It was a Sidemen group hug. I laughed with them all and everything was now the way it should be.


There you go hoped you liked it Sky 💖


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Published  8.11.16
Edited 14.9.17

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