What happens on your first date♡

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I think I might start asking a small little question at the beginning of these just to make then a little more fun😊 omg I just accidently deleted like 5 preferences I had done 🔫🔫
Would you rather Simon or Josh take you out for ice cream?



Tobi and you both loved sports so he took you to a basketball game front seats with the best view. He organized that the kiss can go on you two and when it did you both grinned and shared you first kiss.



JJ took you out for movies and ice cream. It was simple and nice. Nothing fancy but he did cute little romantic gestures that had you falling for him even more.



Harry took you out to a fancy restaurant, paid for your dinner and was a complete gentleman the entire night. You talked at the table and ate delicious food and he drove you home and kissed you goodnight.



Simon took you out to a big carnival/ amusement park with lots of rides. He bought you fairy Floss and won you a cute stuffed animal. He would hold you hand and you had your first kiss at the top of the Ferris Wheel looking out at the city lights.



Josh brought you flowers and took you out to eat at your favorite food place and then at night you went to a quiet area with nothing but trees and grass. He had a blanket and you guys star gazed and talked peacefully enjoying each others company until he leaned over and planted a soft Koss on your lips.


You went over to his house and he had cooked you a homemade recipe that was absolutely amazing. Then after you guys sat on the couch cuddling while watching movies with ice cream. While you stared at the TV all he could look at was you and how beautiful you were.



Ethan and you went night swimming and had a cute little dinner on the beach. The moonlight shone on you both, being the only thing enabling you to see each other. Them you guys got closer then he put his wet hand on your cheek and you slowly kissed under the moon in the sea.


I hoped you guys liked it xx

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