#42• Manny Imagine

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Requested: brooke_penguin

Theme: Sporty and funny

Warning: None


Brooke's POV.

Today is filming day. We are doing four or five different videos today all to do with football. One for my channel, Mannys, Josh, Simon and JJ.

I had woken up to Manny poking my sides saying we had to get up and get ready. I rolled over and wanted to go back to sleep but this led him to falling off the bed with a small thud.

I laughed my head off, he was okay but it woke me up that's for sure. I got out of bed and had a text from my brother Josh saying that we had to be there is 40 minutes and that was 10 minutes ago.

I go for a quick 3 minute shower and jump out getting changed into my arsenal Bellerive top, sweat pants and my Nike cleats. I slip on my glasses over my blue and grey eyes. I quickly braid my long wavy ombre hair and slip over a black beanie.

I brushed my teeth and then I was ready, I had packed the car previously with all of the tripods and camera needed. We both got into the car and drove to the football field.

Once we finished jamming out to music in the car the entire trip we got there and saw everyone was already here. We walked in carrying our stuff and I hugged all my friends and brother.

"So whose are we doing first?" Manny asked. We agreed on doing JJ's first. He had a massive blow up football. While he was distracted we found some tape and taped him around the ball very quickly then rolled him into the goal.

We got the entire thing on his camera, that would be a pretty good start to his video. He got loose and was throwing playful insults at everyone. He shot one at me but I had football at my feet, I aimed and kicked it.

The ball glided between his two feet in the gap, I got it on camera I nutmeged him. We all cracked up laughing as he 'quit'. I take a bow to the camara.

My goal for today was to meg everyone today. Everyone forgot about the cameras and just started having fun. JJ ran up to kick the massive ball but the wind picked it up as soon as JJ went to kick it.

This leading in him tripping over the massive kick that came in contact to nothing. He landed on his bum as I cracked myself laughing behind the camera.

We finished his video then we were doing Joshs video now. He wanted to do the original crossbar challenge. JJ packed his cameras away and Josh set up his an did a quick intro. But during the intro I had the ball and was standing behind Josh, my brother.

I kicked my football, on camera again I had megged him. Everyone completely lost it as Josh tried to do it back but ultimately failed when he just ended up kicking the post then it rebounded hitting him.

We started his video and Simon and I both won this one. Manny gave me a cute little kiss behind the camera as we finished another video.

Now we were going to do Simons. He was a bit tricky to try and meg but somehow someone was on my side and it went through his legs, ON CAMERA.

It was a legendary moment that I would forever be proud of. We did trickshots for Simons video. Manny had somehow managed to kick the ball over the fence and it hit a security guy who was really mean. We all laughed and hid.

I was mentally cursing Manny but then the guard walked away. That was a close one. I huff out and we finish up on Simons video. All we have left was mine and Mannys.

I wanted to do mine last cause it would take a little longer and so it would be a little dark then. Manny was very careful to not stand near me because I would of megged him. Instead Josh sent me a sly wink and he megged Manny.

"OH MY GOD! NEVER TRUST THESE TWO SIBLINGS!" Manny yelled playfully dramatic as we started his cool video idea which had a lot of fails. As such, Simon had walked into the goal not realizing JJ was taking a kick.

Simon had got hit in the hand that was holding his ice cream that he brought. Simon playfully charged at JJ and tackled him in the video. It was definitely one of my favorite videos.

Finally was mine left. I had a simple but fun idea that we were all going to do. I set up my lights, tripods and cameras. Then I stood in front of the camera with the boys either side of me.

Half way through my intro all of the boys gave me payback by each kicking the ball through my legs very fast before I even noticed. A bit of karma. I laughed it off after getting two of them back.

We shot my video which by far had the most fails that made it so much more funnier. Overall it was a good day and night was now here. We packed everything up as I said goodbye to all of my friends and my brother Josh.

I got into the car with Manny ready to go home to edit the video. I would most likely start laughing when I watch the clips.


There you go I hoped you liked it xx


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Published 29.11.16
Edited 14.9.17

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