#89• Simon Imagine

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Requested: IzzyND

Theme: Fluff/Angst

Warning: Insecurities


Read the end note❤❤
Izzy's POV.

I looked myself over in the mirror as I wore my swimming suit. I turned side to side checking myself over as doubts crawled into my thoughts. I couldn't help but be uncomfortable. I was in the bathroom at the local waterpark with my boyfriend Simon and he waited for me.

He knew I wasn't the most confident girl out there and this swimsuit, in my opinion made me look fat. I couldn't help but see myself that way no matter what others would say.

"You ready babe?" Simon asked from outside. I slip on a towel to cover up and walk out to see him in just bordies and no shirt. He looked amazing as usual. This made me pull the towel around my body tighter.

Simon frowned at me slightly and moved closer to me. He grabbed the towel and removed it as I said nothing. He looked at me and held my hand.

"You look beautiful," He says sweetly while kissing my cheek making me smile at the ground. He holds me close to him as we walk into the water park together.

There was plenty of people there which actually made me feel better cause they all looked so busy and having fun that they wouldn't notice. I loosened up slightly as Simon grabbed my hand and we walked towards the water.

I feel myself starting to cover up as people walk by. Simon noticed and turned and stopped walking. He took both of my hands and pulled them away from my body.

"Izzy, don't cover up please. You look beautiful. Your body is a masterpiece and you should show it off. You have no reason to be insecure cause I love everything about you including your body okay? Let's just have fun." Simon says seriously and ending with a cute suggestive smile.

I feel myself smiling along with him, I nod and start to run into the water with him quickly following me. I decided not to let my insecurities control me today. I was going to have fun with Simon.

The cold water hit my exposed skin and I heard Simons slight shriek behind me as he entered the water. I chuckled at him, as I turned around he looked at me offended.

"You think that's funny Izzy?" He cocks an eyebrow and I go to swim away but I was too slow and he splashes me with water in my face making me the one to squeal. It was so cold on my face. Over time we got used to it and it started to feel nice.

We went down many long slides together and we had heaps of fun. It hit lunch time and we were both getting hungry. We hoped out of the water and started to make our way towards the food stall that was selling hot foods such as chips and hotdogs.

Goosebumps sprinkled my skin as the cool air hit me. Simon's hands held my waist as we stood in front of the stall. The food smelt fresh and delicious and I couldn't wait to try some. Simon bought ordered for the both of us while I stayed and watched.

While waiting I saw a group of shirtless boys all leaning up against a wall checking out girls that walked by. One of their eyes connected with mine and I saw his eyes start to drift downwards. He was checking me out.

My arms quickly wrapped around my body as I felt uncomfortable under his stare. I tried to ignore it and walked up to Simon and out of the guys view.

"Hey Izzy, you want to leave now so we can go home and chill out and watch Netflix?" Simon suggested. I agreed happily and we started walking towards the exit while eating some hot chips.

"Hey yo girl let me hit that!" I look at where the voice was coming from and saw the same guy from earlier had just catcalled me. My first instinct was to hide behind Simon as my insecurities rose but I saw Simons jaw clench and he wiped around to face the guy.

"What did you just say to my girlfriend!? You are not going to go anywhere near her, or I'll-" I quickly stepped in front of the jealous Simon and got him to look at me.

"Calm down Simon, he's not worth it. Lets just go home okay?" I smiled reassuringly. Simon sent one last glare at the guy before we left. During the car ride home Simon turned to me and said.

"You know how before I said that you should show off your body cause it's a masterpiece? Yeah well I'm starting to think only I can get to see it, no one else," He huffed out.

"Aww is Simon still feeling jealous?" I teased to which he pouted. I leant my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay Si, I'm yours."

We pull up at home and we go to change into some dry clothes and set up the Netflix. I sat on the couch with a fluffy warm blanket and put on a movie just as Simon came down.

He hoped under with me and we cuddled in close together. The lights were out and our bodies were already warming each other up. I snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you Simon," I whisper. He tilts his head in confusion.

"What for?"

"For making me feel beautiful," I kissed his cheek and went back to watching the movie with him. I see him smiling cutely from the corner of my eye.


There you go I hoped you liked it ❤ ❤
Thank you for 152K!
Also I accidentally deleted the cover photo of this book and quickly made a crappy new one for the time being. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make one for me? All credit would go to you xx

Published: 2.10.17
Edited: 10.10.17

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