#28• Cal Imagine

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Requested: brooke_penguin

Theme: Sad, Happy, fluff

Warning: Funeral, death of a parent


Brooke's POV.

I straighten up my black lace dress as I'm ready to go, physically that is. I don't know if I'm going to survive this mentally. I stare down at my black flats then look at myself in the mirror.

I had my hair out naturally in its long wavy ombre hair with little make up on because I know I will cry. Cal will be there to help me through this and he's what's keeping me going at the moment.

We only found out a couple days ago that my mother had passed away in a car accident. I was heartbroken, I wasn't handling it well. Cal was close to my mum as well and he also was crying with me a little bit.

The funeral was today and I had to make a speech in front of everyone. I don't know if I can but I've got to try. I know mum would want me to stay strong.

Cal comes up behind me in his black formal tux and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You ready to go babe?" He mumbles knowing it's a hard time for me right now. He was being so supportive and I couldn't thank him enough for what he's done to help me.

I nod and he grabs my hand walking me to the car. I make sure I grabbed my speech and tucked it in my black purse. The drive was silent and I was very nervous. When we pulled up I saw all my family.

When I got out of the car I saw my dad, sobbing into his hands. I ran up to him and hugged him tightly. This must be so hard for him. That's his true love and she's gone. This is going to be a hard time.

I comfort dad and he gets a hold of himself. I see a few people holding tissues and a couple of mums close old friends. After a couple of minutes I hear music start and people start to carry mums coffin.

I sniff back my tears as the priest says kind words about her life. One by one people go up and say a few words. My Dad went up and he said how much he loved his wife, a lot of people were crying and Dad, after his speech started to as well. Now it was my turn. Cal squeezes my hand in support as I take my step up to the mic.

"My mother was a compassionate and loving woman who always was there for me. She was a proud person who had a passion for life. She had a beautiful life and family and for that she was happy. She taught me a lot of things as a kid, to be respectful, kind, honest and love people. She taught me to stay strong in tough times and this is one of them. I always told you how my day went and I know you will still be listening even though your not physically here with me. I love you mum, forever and always,"

I wiped a few slipping tear from my face and put my head down and walked back to Cal. Everyone there started to clap and I saw my dad standing there looking at me proudly.

I gave him a small smile and I hugged Cal. I cried into his jacket remembering all of the memories I shared with her. He rubbed my back and whispered soothing words in my ear. I missed her so much.


The funeral had come to an end and it was time to leave, it was 10 o'clock at night and we mourned her death and celebrated her life. It had been one of the hardest days and I just want to go home with Cal.

We pulled up in our drive way and I was very tired and sad. I put my hair in a high bun and got straight in my pajamas. Cal did the same, he got out of his tux and put on comfy clothes. I collapsed onto our large bed, face down wanting to lay in bed with Cal.

We both got under the covers as Cal grabbed the remote to our television. He put it onto Netflix and chose one of my favorite movies. He knew I didn't want to talk but I just wanted him to hold me and that's exactly what he did.

I cuddled into his warm chest as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer to him. The room was dark and Cal got out of the warm bedsheets saying he needed to go get something. 

I waited for him while watching the movie in silence. He soon emerged in the room holding packets of chips and chocolates with some lollies like sour patch kids, red frogs, sour worms etc.

I smiled at him, he knows me so well.  He got back in bed with me with the food and placed it in between us. I kissed his lips softly thanking him for everything he's done these past few days for me.

He smiled and kissed me back. Although this was a bad day Cal made it seem not so bad. As I slowly fall asleep I start thinking about what I would dream about and I think I already know because I've been dreaming this since mum died.

It would be me and her sitting down like we used and I would tell her how my day went. I've got to tell her how much Cal has helped me through this. She would be so proud and happy of us.


There you go hoped you liked it ❤❤


Also...The next imagine will be my 30th request. That's over 30,000 words I've written. It will also be my last one that's got requested.

Yes requests are still open and yes you can request as many times as you want but...I would like after my 30th imagine (which I'll post tomorrow) to start this 7day update clothing.

I'll post everyday for a week starting Monday but if you do request you will have to wait till its done so the week xx

PS: Next is a Simon imagine!

Published: 3.9.16

Edited: 13.9.17

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