#72• Harry Imagine

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Requested: GereGutzy

Theme: Sad

Warning: None

Before I start this Im just going to quickly say that I'm going to try and do a different style of writing for this chapter 😆 By starting with present then going back to what happened if that makes sense xx And I've got an announcement? at the end of this chapter

Gere's POV.

Harry calling...

My phone lit up with Harrys face as he called me for the hundredth time. I glanced over at my clock from my bed. 9am. He would be at school like everyone else except me. I have barely moved for a week.

I haven't been able to sleep, go to school, all I can do is cry and pull at my short brown hair. I didn't know love would hurt this much. I didn't know seeing him with someone else would hurt this much.

Harrys call ended up ringing out...again. I couldn't face him, that's why I don't go to school or answer his calls or reply to his texts. He's been my best friend since we were little and it's always been us against the world.

Of course, my stupid self fell in love with him. I've always been so afraid to tell him, still am. I promised myself I would never tell him my true feelings, too scared of rejection and ruining what we have.

But now, it feels like it's already been ruined, he unknowingly has made me an emotional wreck for the past week ever since he called me to tell me the 'good news'. Good news my behind. I still remember that day when everything got turned upside down.


I was sitting on the couch, my brown eyes stuck in my book as I heard my phone ring. Harrys face popped on the screen making my heart flutter in excitement. I answer quickly wanting to hear his perfect voice.

"Hey Harry!"

"Hey Gere, I've got some good news! You ready to hear it?" he says excited. I grinned, wondering what it could be. He doesn't wait for my answer and starts speaking again.

"I've got a....GIRLFRIEND! Yayy! You happy for me?" I could imagine him smiling like a fool on the other end while I nearly dropped the phone and my breathing stopped. Girlfriend?

"Gere?" His voice seemed to echo over the phone or maybe it was just how it sounded from my shock and heartbreak that seemed to set in after his words.

"U-uh I'm here. Congrats...I-I gotta go..." I stutter and hang up before he could say anything else. As soon as the call ended I curled up in a ball and cried. Hard, loud cries filled my house as the man I love loves another.


Those hard, loud cries still filled my room but not as much now. My mum was extremely worried and I could tell Harry was as well as I read all the texts he kept sendimg me.

'What's wrong Gere?'
Why haven't you been at school?
Why are you ignoring me?
What did I do?
Are you okay? Are you safe?

I ignored them all. What was I supposed to say? I couldn't answer his calls cause he would hear my sobbing. I heard a knock on my front door which I brushed off as a delivery. I heard my mum open the door but I shut the rest of the noises out. Tears were a normal thing now. A day didn't go by were tears didn't wet my pillow.

I was a mess.

I hear footsteps coming towards my room and I didn't move since I had my entire body underneath the blankets like a cacoon of sadness and heartache.

My door opened, probably mum bringing in something for me to try and eat. But her voice wasn't what I heard.

"Gere, it's me, Harry. I can't stay another day at school worrying about you. Please, please talk to me. What's going on?" He pleads and I feel my bed dip from where he sat.

I feel more silent tears stream down my face, I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I felt his warm hands pull at my blankets slightly brushing my arm as he did. My pale skin was hit with fresh air and I kept my head tucked in my arms so he wouldn't see my face.

"Go away Harry," I mumble.

"No not until you tell me what's going on? Is it something I did? Is it something I said? Why are you pushing me away? Is it because of something else?-" he goes to continue on what he thinks is wrong but I snap and accidently the words come flying out of my mouth.

"GOSH HARRY I LOVE YOU AND I CAN'T BARE TO SEE YOU WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" I shout but my eyes widen at my sudden confession as I slap my hands over my mouth.


I look at his reaction and it's just pure shock and something else I couldn't recognize. I brace myself for his painful inevitable rejection but it doesn't come.

"W-Why didn't you tell me before?" Harry stuttered out. I scoff.

"And ruin our friendship? No way. I think you should probably leave..." I suggest as I feel a new wave of tears start at my eyes threatening to spill over. This time it was his time to scoff. He pulls me up so we were facing each other. His hands didn't let go of mine.

"You're not getting rid of me that easily. I wish you told me sooner because I love you to, Gere, have for a while now." He grinned at me and I stated at him shocked. He liked me back? I smile widely and jump at him in the hug.


There you go I hoped you liked it❤❤

Okay now😆 for the 'announcement' I've had an idea that you might be interested in. Does everyone know what a song imagine is? It's where you will give me a song and I write you an imagine based on the lyrics.

Get it?

So it doesn't matter if you've got a normal imagine request I will accept a second one only if it's a song one. But please please! don't just say

Simon, (song name), (Artist)

Please put in a little bit more information so it can be good. Just so you know they will take a while since I've got so many imagine to do. So earlier the better

Published 1.7.17
Edited 16.9.17

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